Flight enquiry - UK > Barcelona > Ibiza


Active Member

Long time no see. Hope everyone is good?

Going to goto the Space opening next week. Have found flights on the Saturday night. However, I would like to go early Sunday if possible so I can see a friend for her birthday on Saturday.

Was thinking about flying from the UK (North - Manchester or Liverpool departure preferred) to Barcelona and then over to Ibiza.

Does anyone know how I would go about finding out about flights from Barcelona to Ibiza next Sunday? And where I can check out prices?

Any help muchly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Nish x
Going to goto the Space opening next week. Have found flights on the Saturday night. However, I would like to go early Sunday if possible so I can see a friend for her birthday on Saturday.

early sunday means you will miss satday?
We are missing Saturday completely unfort. Mates birthday comes first.

Flying out Sat night late now. Thanks for the link!

You going Woodruffe?
i do normanly go when space opens on the sunday a few days or a week before,i go out on the 2nd june this year.is this the we love space opening party.one where there is a stack of djs in all the rooms.not sure on looking it up.sure its the 13th of june one i like.trouble is i will miss the closing party on the 26th as i go out later on the 29th sept.cannot win them all.

me i just nip round back see a guard i know over the years.he gives me a few hours free.for which i am gratefull.i would never pay the prices they charge.only ever paid once to get in a club in ibiza.that was ku in the early 80s to see james brown.
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