Flashback to Ibiza last week...


Well-Known Member
a small flashback just came to me there whilst reminiscing about Ibiza last week.

The Nalin & Kane classic, Beachball was playing down at our pool and someone who clearly thought he knew all the lyrics proceeded to scream out "be f***ing ready" repeatedly whilst telling his mates this was his favourite tune ever lol. Made me smile whilst I was recovering from Swedgegate :twisted::spank:
Swedgegate....too funny :D:D

PS forgot how much I too loved this classic! My first ever trip to Ibiza was the year this came out, it reminds me soooo much of manumission (when it was THE BEST club on the island, hands down!)
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Just had a listen , and it sounds a lot like it . Possibly like ebeneezer good and just a fake name/lyric to get the airtime ?