First time working in Ibiza!!!


New Member

Well the time has come again when I have had enough of working stuck in an office with the rain coming down on the windows, having to scrape my car windows in the morning and bosses piling more and more work on!!!! :spank:

Ive worked in scummy Kavos and Malia a few years ago and i have the bug again and just have to flee the country one more time and Ibiza is the place.

Looking to leave for the sun mid may and am coming on my tod so if anyone else like minded is looking for a room mate then drop me a line!

K xxxxxxxxxxx:D
Im looking to go out in may as well!

Also going on me jack jones!


Hey, have you worked in Ibiza b4?

I'm a lttle scared, lol have worked in greece a couple of times but that was a few years back, where you staying?

sorry all these questions!! lol

k xx
hey its just me heading out to ibiza too! bit scary but sure its going to be such a mad 1! im looking to go start of june from luton probs. looking to share accomodation if any1 interested

goin over start of june aswel have an appartment booked for a week but after dat im out on my own, def on for starin an app, what part u goin ta?
hey hey...wanting to somewhere to live/share end of june till end of august....check out my profile and get in touch
i went out in 2004 on my tod and it was mint, didnt last the full season but still had a great time. im in the same position as katie had enough of england and im thinking about goin back out there, if i do go out it would be begin of may cos jobs will go quickly especially the descent ones.