First time question/advice


New Member
Just a few questions, thought i would start a new thread as they are a little specific.

I am flying in at 4:40 on a thursday. Was hoping to do both ASOT at Ushuaia, then cream the same night. Is there any issues seen with doing this? I don't think it be to much, but will be coming straight from a big night out before as well (any buses between the two? or will a lot of people do the same and share cabs etc?)

Im assuming customs/immigration wouldn't take that long? (aussie flying in from Amsterdam) and staying at torre del ma. Would expecting to get to hotel by say 5:30'ish then walk(?) to Ushuaia by 6'ish?

I am travelling by myself so whats the best way from airport to hotel and vice versa? (cab again? what would this cost?)

Im there until that sunday, but was only thinking about booking events the first day/night and then meet others and possibly join up and hang out with them rather then going to everything solo. Im guessing everyone will be pretty laid back and friendly? Whats the best way to meet people? bars etc, clubs as well?

Would probably look at doing a boat party or a day trip to the other island, then probably just chill out one of the nights, depending how i feel etc.
I've stayed in torre del mar before , it's a nice hotel. It's probably quickest to get a taxi from airport to hotel as it ain't far and cost no more than 20euro.

The walk from torre to ushuaia is about 20 mins, or get a taxi for few euros.

Outside space is the bus stop where the disco bus which will get you to amnesia, it's 3 euros each way and last bus is about 6:45 am.

Usually you'll find people who you can share a taxi with instead, although the disco bus I find a right laugh to be honest :)

I personally don't pre buy any tickets but buy them when out there, usually end up getting discount wristbands that are handed out on the main drags. Except for pacha, they never seem to give them out!

What dates you going? I suggest you post in the "meet me in Ibiza" forum, as it's a good place for solo travellers to meet up

Regarding the boat party, if you was there for a week I'd say go for it, but personally when I did it, it was a full day pretty much on the aquabus boat travelling to and from formentera beach which felt like a wasted day to me.
It can be fun,( or rather scary if the sea is choppy lol), and a good way to meet people, so your call really.

Thanks for the great advice, I've just seen that forum so will post now. Im there the 6th-9th of august. Only reason i was planning to buy those tickets before hand is 1. They are the two events I really want to do. and 2. being that im just getting there that day seems easier to just have tickets and go straight there. The other days/nights aren't as big a deal as was just planning to get tickets on the day or whatever comes up.

Thanks for the advice about the boat and formentera. I'm planning on leaving that till i get there and see what happens. Might hire a scooter for a day and go looking around maybe as well.

No probs. and yeah you're probably best buying first events tickets beforehand, just one less thing to have to deal with on first day.

Also if you've not already done so, I'd recommend buying some hearing protection as mentioned in another thread; some of the clubs can be *really* loud!

Stupid question: could it be dangerous to walk from PDB to Eivissa at night-time?
Stupid question: could it be dangerous to walk from PDB to Eivissa at night-time?
I've done it a few times it dead easy and takes about 20 mins. If you don't go in the day first to get your bearings it can be tricky if pissed. It all looks very similar in the dark and one can easily walk around in circles much to the police officers annoyance :D
Stupid question: could it be dangerous to walk from PDB to Eivissa at night-time?

Quite frankly depends how cabbaged you are, once took me over 2 hours after some nutty skunk and I had to stop literlly every 5 yards , another time about 3 minutes on some pure amphets.....
What would the cost of a scooter be? and what ID do you need just a passport?
I'm guessing you don't need an international license? Is it similar to asia, where they just take details of your hotel and passport etc or credit care deposit.

Do they enforce drink driving rules at all? not talking about being wasted, but a few drinks and then ride back to hotel?
Do they enforce drink driving rules at all ..yes they do even on a bike.limit is lower than uk as well.all depends on your body size and if you have eaten before hand.just stick to a glass of wine or a slow two pints if that.or better still go with out till you get to your hotel.up to you in the end...your driving the bike
Alright good to know will leave that for a non drinking day to go exploring then. seems spain has 0.05% limit same as australia, I never drink and drive here, but it seems to be common place in some countries
For the sake of 3 euro for the disco bus I'd not risk it. Same goes for driving under influence of drugs. If anything happens and the police test you then you are fooked!
I travelled around Australia and got stopped by police the morning after Anzac Day. I was bricking it when they breathalysed me, in the UK our drink drive limits are like the highest in the world. Luckily it came back as zero. Thank you super metabolism!
Im going to ibiza in june for two weeks with my boyfriend, we're only staying B&B and wanted to go to at least one or maybe 2 (depending on money) main clubs but purchase the tickets from here.. Was wondering how much money we would need to bring? Any help please
If you are swedgered for most of the holiday you won't spend as much on expensive things like food!

I would say a minimum of £100 a day if you want to have a decent time.
Well im More for having than drinking but obviously im not gonna be f***ed for two weeks straight, i wanna enjoy myself throughout the day as well rather than being hungover everyday plus id save miles more money

Alisha, being cabbaged for a fortnight is nothing to be ashamed of. As Dirk correctly states, you can easily save money on silly things like food if the good stuff gets over from Rotterdam. Plus you'll lose loads of weight and feel good in the clubs (I don't know your current size but I always lose at least a stone when on holiday)

In all honestly, it's one of those place, you could spend £50 a day and have an ace time or you could spend £500 in an hour popping corks. Seriously, just take what you can afford to spend and maybe a bit extra because one things for sure, if you scrimp you'll only look back in years and wish you'd spend loads and had an amazing time. Failing that take a couple tins of spam, couple tins of pineapple and shove the rest up your beak