Posted this in the Clubbing forum, not sure why, but since it's not only clubbing relevant I'll post it here as well. Need as much info as possible.
I'm coming to Ibiza with my girlfriend from Canada between August 28 and September 8, not sure exactly on the day but I'll be there for 4 or 5 days.
Never been to Ibiza and don't know anybody who has so thought I'd ask here for some advice.
Where to stay? Since I'm already coming from Canada and will spend a bit of cash to get there, want to spend as little as possible. We're thinking of hostels or hotels, doesn't really matter as long as it's clean and safe. Too bad you can't stay on the beach, hehe.
1. What is the best town to stay in?
2. Are all the beaches private or do they belong to the resorts and you can't go on the beach if you don't stay there? What are the best beaches to go to?
3. I hear more and more about people getting robbed, are there any safety boxes or anything where you could put some gear in? We're travelling across europe and need a laptop and have an SLR camera with us.
4. What are the clubs and places that you have to go to?
I would really appreciate and other information you might have. I want this trip to be great, worthwhile and something that I will remember for a long time. Also I want an experience so I come back!!! Well, give me everything you got.
I'm coming to Ibiza with my girlfriend from Canada between August 28 and September 8, not sure exactly on the day but I'll be there for 4 or 5 days.
Never been to Ibiza and don't know anybody who has so thought I'd ask here for some advice.
Where to stay? Since I'm already coming from Canada and will spend a bit of cash to get there, want to spend as little as possible. We're thinking of hostels or hotels, doesn't really matter as long as it's clean and safe. Too bad you can't stay on the beach, hehe.
1. What is the best town to stay in?
2. Are all the beaches private or do they belong to the resorts and you can't go on the beach if you don't stay there? What are the best beaches to go to?
3. I hear more and more about people getting robbed, are there any safety boxes or anything where you could put some gear in? We're travelling across europe and need a laptop and have an SLR camera with us.
4. What are the clubs and places that you have to go to?
I would really appreciate and other information you might have. I want this trip to be great, worthwhile and something that I will remember for a long time. Also I want an experience so I come back!!! Well, give me everything you got.