Fireworks in the fire line.............

and another one
several questions(and a lot of steam) come up reading the article...would be to complex to discuss it here I'm afraid.
..."en los ultimos a~nos" or ..."desde tiempo inmemorable" - definivly the latter y el olor de la p`olvora tambien forma parte de la liturgia! and the incredible sound that goes with it too !
For those of you that have never seen this great happening: just imagine a club with the soundvolume cut to half
So, the mayor confesses to the walls beeing in bad shape? Interesting to hear about that on this occasion. Hope that the cannons, which are up there "desde los ultimos a~nos" (after someone had visited Disneylandia obviously- but they are nice for the kids

) are safe and that their installation didn't and their weight doesn't cause any or more damage to the teraplen. (very selfish wish as I have my house close by

Let's see when these "problemas estructurales serios" are beeing attacked and solved !!!!!!!! (Don't worry, the EU is paying for it!)
PEOPLE - you get the autopista that you don't want
you don't get the fireworks from the walls that you want
and, by the way, we have taken away the great noche vieja celebration (which was also held desde tiempo inmemorable) on Vara de Rey and have given you therefore that ugly, huge coral to celebrate in.
...there's still hope - I hope!