fire in San An, cars burnt out

Dr Mick

Active Member
Afternoon everybody,

I just had a call from Buckley. He says there's a fire immediately north of Caló des Moro in San Antonio.

Several cars have been burnt out, possibly due to an accident. There are ambulances and presumably people with injuries.

A fire helicopter is scooping water from the sea.


Our roving reporter will post pix shortly.
we watched some kind of forest fire in june. made the front page of the local paper, which i bought, but cant remember the name of it. wouldve been june the 6th or 7th.



Still haven't been able to confirm that no-one was hurt although a lifeguard who ran there to help out said he thought that was the case. I went straight from the beach at first so was camera-less and the flames were huge. By the time I had been back to the apartment for the camera, the emergency services had got most of it out.
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There has been a lot of trouble out there this year hasn't there? Firstly the incident outside Eden and now this - or maybe I have been walking round with my eyes and ears closed in previous years.

Also witnessed a lad get kicked into a police car at Hed Kandi on sat - I was dancing next to him at one point and he was out of it... so out of it I am amazed he would have been able to do anything to warrant getting arrested or kicked into a police car.

Hmmm... :confused:

L x
There has been a lot of trouble out there this year hasn't there? Firstly the incident outside Eden and now this - or maybe I have been walking round with my eyes and ears closed in previous years.

Also witnessed a lad get kicked into a police car at Hed Kandi on sat - I was dancing next to him at one point and he was out of it... so out of it I am amazed he would have been able to do anything to warrant getting arrested or kicked into a police car.

Hmmm... :confused:

L x

Let's be quite clear - most places with hot weather and lots of forest area suffer forest fires in the hottest months of the year. That was the case whenever you were here (or anywhere fulfilling the necessary criteria) last and will be when you come again.

Compared to most places Ibiza is very safe and naturally occuring incidents like this are not related to the single reported incidence of a shooting recently. I don´t want to come across as being unwilling to consider any negatives regarding the island, but linking a dramatic, one-off criminal act to a natural problem like forest fires is unfair.

The Hed Kandi incident doesn´t sound nice but no more then happens outside clubs worldwide.

A bit of perspective on these things is helpful, I think.
Let's be quite clear - most places with hot weather and lots of forest area suffer forest fires in the hottest months of the year. That was the case whenever you were here (or anywhere fulfilling the necessary criteria) last and will be when you come again.

Spain is usually a big fire bone during the summer months :confused:


maybe it was a hot catalytic converter of a car
who sets the grass on fire :confused: :?:

this happens quite often - no special "ibiza-problem" :twisted:
Let's be quite clear - most places with hot weather and lots of forest area suffer forest fires in the hottest months of the year. That was the case whenever you were here (or anywhere fulfilling the necessary criteria) last and will be when you come again.

Compared to most places Ibiza is very safe and naturally occuring incidents like this are not related to the single reported incidence of a shooting recently. I don´t want to come across as being unwilling to consider any negatives regarding the island, but linking a dramatic, one-off criminal act to a natural problem like forest fires is unfair.

The Hed Kandi incident doesn´t sound nice but no more then happens outside clubs worldwide.

A bit of perspective on these things is helpful, I think.

Was merely pointing out some other things that I noticed happen, apols if was out of context in this thread.

None of these incidents were going to put me off going back though :)

But probably good that you said what you did in the above post anyway for clarification.


L x

Edit: If an admin wants to edit my original post then they are welcome to, like I said I was just pointing out some things I noticed this year.
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article from the "ibiza-heute"-hp says, that a 21years old man set fire to
the car of his mother´s boyfriend,
because he was seeking revenge for maltreatment of his mother.

scouse drug dealers did it. it was a patch of forrest on morroccan turf. I've head the mafia and george best are involved as well.
scouse drug dealers did it. it was a patch of forrest on morroccan turf. I've head the mafia and george best are involved as well.

I heard Scouse drug dealers assasinated President Kennedy and faked the moon landings as well ! The loveable rogues !
I went straight from the beach at first so was camera-less and the flames were huge. By the time I had been back to the apartment for the camera, the emergency services had got most of it out.

Peter Parker would be ashamed of you



Set Car Alight In Revenge.

A fire, which caused a huge scare in Sant Antoni as it spread through a forest area close to the cemetery & Cala des Moro tourist area of the town, was finally extinguished with the help of fire fighting planes & helicopters after it had presumably being started deliberately around midday.

The perpertrator of this dangerous crime was apparently a young assistant chef in a hotel located in the Bay of Sant Antoni who was on his day off.

The man voluntarily turned himself in to the authorities apparently confessing to deliberately setting on fire the car of his mother's ex-boyfriend, which was parked on the edge of the forested area, because he feared that this man had mistreated his mother.

After buying petrol & matches at a nearby petrol station, the young man apparently set fire to his mother's boyfriend's car causing the fire to spread to several other vehicles, increasing the intensity of the blaze, before catching hold of the vegetation.

Interestingly some media sources reported that the young man had been spotted earlier buying the petrol at the petrol station by a plain clothes policeman who apparently asked him at the time what he was going to do with the matches & petrol.

The young pyromaniac supposedly said he was going to set fire to a car but it seems that the policeman at the time took no action. Once the fire started, the policeman reported the information & officers started to search for the suspect.
Interestingly some media sources reported that the young man had been spotted earlier buying the petrol at the petrol station by a plain clothes policeman who apparently asked him at the time what he was going to do with the matches & petrol.

The young pyromaniac supposedly said he was going to set fire to a car but it seems that the policeman at the time took no action. Once the fire started, the policeman reported the information & officers started to search for the suspect.
Lets just say that this cop is NOT a candidate for employment in Tom Cruise's Pre-Crime Department :!: :spank: