finding work/places to stay in march



Hey I am thinkin of goin over to Ibiza with my friend to work for a season at the end of March, does ne1 kno if this is too early? I have been lookin at flights/hotels/jobs etc 2nite and it seems like they don't get goin til May. We wanted to go over there early to make sure we got a job easily but dont wanna hav 2 come back after a week (after spending all our money and blowing our chances of goin back out!) if there's nothin out there then! Help pleeeese!! :confused:
March is waaaay too early. I went out May 12th and then May 18th and this is still plenty early enuf! Don't know where you would get a job in March as places I imagine you want to work won't be open yet! Gives you a few more months back here though to earn more dolllarrrr!
oh noooo but i was sooo excited bout goin!! d'oh!! now i just hav to break the news to my friend.... :cry:
cheers anyway!! :D
Ah yes...BUT my friend...if you look at it this way you will be able to earn more do$$ar before you go for the start of the season in May and then funk about right until the end in September!!! Honestly - you mite be a little dissapointed in March if you're looking to do the whole work thing! ;)