Finding Her Ibiza Love

More likely shes up the duff and looking for Daddy to pay his share of the crèche fees :)
"he was wearing a cycling helmet with glow sticks attached to it"

"She was pretty sure he would call so when the text didn't come through she was convinced she had given him the wrong number.

Or he just thought you were a boot and didn't want to speak to you ever again. And now your stalking him with the help of the whole world...
typing digits is notoriously difficult on the swedgers, especially with glow sticks glued to your helmet
Some of the comments are great! :lol:

I knew she would remember what his helmet looked like!
- Mr BJ, Essex, 06/01/2012 23:01

In none P.R. speak' desperately stalking the hapless Martin' who has now enlisted for Helmand as a safer option.
- Atterse, london, 06/01/2012 17:57

Struggling PR Company in need of PUBLICITY!
- Jo, London, 06/01/2012 16:24

Good for her. The man's a complete bounder if he's just walked out on her, and should be named and shamed.
- Three Ducks, London, England, 06/01/2012 15:40

Oh s**t....
Anyone know how I can stop the missus seeing this?
- Martin, Tooting, 06/01/2012 14:32
"Martin was wearing a cycling helmet with glow sticks attached to it". On the beach in ibiza,forget about him love..:D
more good reason not to have a facebook. I magine a newspaper pulling you photo's and stickin them on the internet cos some mad bint was "obsessed" with you.

I'd be forever in the papers. ;)