Final Scratch


Well-Known Member
Does any use this, is so can someone give a review?

Really thinking of going down this route. CD decks appear over rated and over priced, I believe Final Scratch offers a far better option for about £450?
I've thought about it in the past, but there seems to be far too many problems with it at the moment. Apparently their customer service stinks too. There's a message board for people who are thinking about buying/have bought it and there's an awful lot of people not happy. target=
I've seen Paul Van Dyk use it though , so you can't really get a better endorsment than that. But like you, I want to know someone who's got it first, before I part with my hard earned.
Josh Wink was also a big fan of FS but was not using it at his stint with Eric Morillo at Pacha a few weeks ago (he played off CD's). When I asked him why he said its still working well, but sometimes a bit too much hassle in terms of set up and its easier just to play off CD's on the CDJ-1000's.
I have used final scratch for the last year and a half.....superb tool....just each person needs to configure to whats right for them....any questions give me a shout!! :)