Film Title Help


New Member
I'll be impressed if anyone can tell me this. Got talking with friends at weekend about a film we couldnt remember name of, heres a brief synopsis:

probably made 60s/70s, set at same time, plot revolves around a girl called Mona I think, its set in the summer, shes a bit of a prude and she meets 3 other kids her age (16 ish) at the beach, one girl, 2 guys and they all start hanging around together, its a bit dark as the relationship is based on the 3 kids teasing, almost bullying the other girl on account of her frumpiness and apparent naivetyover sex, booze, drugs etc. the other 3 are attactive and a lot more enlightened. all the action takes place on the beach, in the sun or sea and at some parties, they get drunk, get high etc, it all ends rather abrubptly though when one of the guys rapes or sexually assualts her and it ends ,like I said, a bit dark. Can anyone remember it??