Few questions regarding working!


Active Member
Hey all - 2 23year old guys heading out on June 20th to work.
Did Malia season last summer...........but never been to Ibiza before.
Have been browsing around forums and info and I have a few questions?

Whats this thing about needing some national insurance type number? - in Malia we worked for months and just got paid cash in hand in every job?

Keep seeing people mentioning needing CV's? - is it really useful to take a load of copies of your CV out and write in a Spanish SIM card number when we get them - and will people actually contact you on it?
Also.......would have thought that our CV's will need to be changed away from the proffesional focus of A Level and Uni grades and proper work experience that I've got on it at the moment.........and more towards making a bigger deal of the promotional/sales/etc type jobs I've done - as this is the kindof stuff we will be tryin to get as work in Ibiza?

Also - is it just as cheap to buy Spanish SIM cards when you get there as it is to get them off the net before we go?

Anyone out there/heading out soon up for meeting up to chill n party!..... or that can help us out with any contacts/info for jobs / accom / anyone up for sharing accom from about 4th July - give us a shout! On here......or MSN/email = meltedben@hotmail.com
myspace = /doctorchat