Few queries about working in Ibiza


New Member
Im currently thinking of going to Ibiza, I was just wondering about a few things like- if I were to go out to work end of july- mid/end of sept, do you think I would be alright finding work going then rather than the beginning of the season?? How much money do you think would be a reasonable amount to take? Does it all depend on how "wacky" you are, if you know what I mean?
To be honest i think its a bit late but you could get lucky as some workers end up going home around that time because theyve had enough, as for money just take as much as you can...the more money you take the better but i wouldnt go with less than a grand especially at that time of year as when you book a hotel for your first week or 2 whilst looking for accomodation it will cost a fortune, i think the only jobs that will be around will be the poorly payed PR jobs but if your happy doing this you should be ok, But my advice would be to give it a miss this year if you dont have sufficient funds and save for a whole season next year instead, hope this helps
Agree with you on that one Lee.

Defo need to save save and save some more. The only jobs going at that time will be the poorly paid pr jobs in the westend, which hinders you going out because of the unsociable hours, but if you don't mind go for it!