Ferrys from Majorca


Active Member
Does anyone know anything about getting a ferry from Majorca to Ibiza. The price or the times would be great :D.

I know its still early in the season but its never too early to start planning for Ibiza thats what i say :D :P :D
i tried to get one last year cos we had a carry on with planes, eneded up in majorca then getiing a flight over to ibiza. If i remember correctly they are at 7 and 9 in the morning and thats it. This was on a saturday by the way. hope that helps....
I've just been seeing about getting one in a couple of weeks because the only budget airline flying into Ibiza is Air Berlin which, for some bizarre reason, only flies to Ibiza from London. To get back I've got to go to Palma. The ferry I hope to be getting (sort of!) leaves Ibiza Town at 1.15 in the morning and gets to Majorca about 5am. There are others but none of them get there in time for my flight. The price seems to be 20 euros.

There is a section on this site which has last year's ferry timetables which will no doubt be updated closer to the season: http://www.ibiza-spotlight.com/transport/ferry_i.htm Meanwhile you'll have to try and make sense of the ferry companies' websites.