Feeling suicidal and have no one to turn to...

Dan Gruner

Active Member
I'm supposed to be having a good time but have let things get on top of me again. I don't have a phone, only internet. Am on my own also in Bossa xxxx
Get yourself to Croissant Show in Ibiza Town and order a large quiche, chocolate croissant, coffee and a sparkling water. Relax , people watch and remember how fantastic the world is. Always works for me.

You can talk to anyone on here for help and advice, or PM for personal chat.
Do you often feel like this, Dan? Or were you in the middle of a particularly nasty comedown?
Always remember if you are on a comedown those negative thoughts are the drugs talking . stay strong !
Dan be thankful your in a beautiful part of the world , its the magical island , wish I was there its pissing down here in the UK , snap out of it and its not just you who will suffer it Family more so with the questions what went wrong , could we have done anything ,

enjoy IBIZA
get a six pack of san miguel and crash on the beach man. i go on myself all the time and i find it amazing how many people you meet if you just say hello!
Bring some 5-htp next time. Go grab a few beers and buy some pizza and go down to Playa den bossa for now. You will be fine.
Are you just fed up or seriously down?
Get up, go for a walk along the beach. Clear your head ffs.
I thought you met up with some peeps earlier on in the week? Message them on here and arrange something else.
If thats not happening, get down to Bora Bora, its a snatchfest this time of year.
Its Friday, get excited for Amnesia and then cane it on that terrace podium!!!
Id give anything for some time to myself at the moment, lap it up.

Like Dirks said, pm me if you want some support.

Thanks all. I suffer these episodes a lot and it ruins your life believe me..

Let things get to me after Ushuaya last night and mate had left to go meet a girl, so was on my own again. Felt completely crapped out and dead to the world despite having not drunk much or done a lot earlier in the day, apart for some swimming and beach.

Have been worrying about work a lot this time which ain't helped. Usually I go to Ibiza in September which is a quieter time for my company and less on.

Haven't touched drugs out here this year.

Being out here on your own and hooking up with great people is all very well, but I do miss having mates from home for that "in-between time" and when you need a bit of extra support....
Apologies for assuming your might have been on a come down . I myself get stressed with my work , but I find a good sleep always does the trick . Tomorrow is another day and I find everything works itself out in the long run . Can't understand how you are feeling right now as I'm not you , but find abit of inner strength take some deep breaths and soldier on . And always remember ultimately when you suffer with mental health problems be it minor or major , it's because their is a chemical imbalance in your brain , and for me once I got my head around that life became a lot easier in dealing with those dark moments .;)
Dan some good advice on here and people who care , I think we all go through stages like you are at the moment I did a while back ,then though about the hassle and heart ache i left behind , so thought it through and now stronger in the mind than ever , dont let the demons beat you , I doubt a wank will do it bit worth a try ;)
good luck
Dan how are you getting on now? It's all in your head, positive mind positive body. You're in Ibiza the best place to think good things. Stay strong
Just saw your post Dan. Hope you are doing better and are having a good time.

Speaking from experience (not my own fortunately), you should consider speaking to a professional after your return. Nobody ever wants to admit having troubles, and that is exactly the wrong thing to do. Everybody goes to the doctor with a broken leg, no one would actually consider to "deal with it on your own". Nothing to be ashamed of.

Really, this is what this is: A broken leg. No big deal about it. Just let it get fixed.

Take care mate.
Hi again Dan

I suffer with episodes like this regularly, although i wouldnt say i am clinically depressed i completely get what you are going through. I find that going for a walk or sticking some music on helps me loads, sometimes i even just go down the park with a football on my own and just boot it around to release anger (this helps a treat). It sounds silly really but this really helps me through the hard times. You may have different ways of releasing the depression of course. Now obviously if you are getting suicidal thoughts regularly then i reccomend you go and see a professional about it as i lost a very good mate through suicide because of depression. So please for your own sake seek help, you will feel much better afterwards im sure.

I am going through a bit of a rough time emotionally this week as i have stopped smoking weed which i used to do everyday. Earlier today i felt bad and like the world was about to cave in, i wanted to pick some weed up to stop it but i decided to go for a walk with some music on and see how i felt after. Fortunately when i got back i had completely lost any bad thoughts/feelings i had before hand.

When i was younger i used to go out on a bender which sometimes would last days which is not good at all, and used to upset my girlfriend and my family as they could see me destroying myself. Luckily i have grown out of that and barely drink now unless i go out for a night out with the missus or friends.

Hope this helps, quite happy to exchange email address if you feel like speaking to someone different.

Take care
I'm coming to the end of my therapy for severe depression, I've had it since my teen age years and felt I was just abnormal rather then depressed. I've gone from 6-7 days a week of constant negativity to just an hour or two and even then I have the tools to snap out of it quite effortlessly :)
Please go to your doctor, I refused meds or time off work because it would of caused me even more stress. When you get into depression it's quite a broad subject but it's very easy to get deeper to the point you don't want to be alive anymore I know too well!
Life is precious, I say that very seriously and we have to accept the things we can not change. I think you'd be surprised how many of us go through what you are now and although it isn't normal there is an alternative but you have to go get it ;)