"Feeling Blessed"....


Well-Known Member
Is my new most hated thing on Facebook wall...

Anyone else have this since they introduced the option when u do a status? I have a few serial offenders who go out n get mashup all wknd but somehow "feel blessed" about it on Mondays. Would you say that in a conversation, I think not
Haha mm, it does my head in too. I currently have one Facebook "friend" who is doing #100momentstobethankful I would delete her but it's comedy gold. Moment 3 was being thankful for having the patience to paint the skirting board with a nice neat line.
I love reading a good vaguebooking. Like an unexplained hospital check-in, or a 'OMG, some people have no shame' followed by a request for an explanation and then the 'not for public knowledge hun' pay-off:lol:
It just makes me laugh when people use the word 'blessed' to describe going partying and not sleeping for 24hrs+. I dont think god would give a blessing haha.

dont get me started on hashtags...
Also couples that plaster their relationship all over facebook so everyone can see rather than just pm-ing or texting eachother. Even funnier/pathetic when you know the couple lives together and they're most likely sitting in the same room.
Is my new most hated thing on Facebook wall...

Anyone else have this since they introduced the option when u do a status? I have a few serial offenders who go out n get mashup all wknd but somehow "feel blessed" about it on Mondays. Would you say that in a conversation, I think not
hahaha ... so true.
that sucks already more than forming f***ing hearts with hands :twisted: