feel the vibe + vocal.

mambobirdette said:
Yep a nice double figured sum in the bank thank you very much. I wont say how much :D.

I like the video, very good 8)

double figure? :lol: you sure about that? doesn't sound very profitable! ;)
mambobirdette said:
how much 99 quid or 99p :lol:

50 pence :D

x-amount said:
Stop pretending it affects you ffs!

You have your version, "they" (i.e. radio people etc) have theirs.

it does when im sitting at work and some warbling comes on the airwaves.... :roll:

its not even a half decent effort imo.
I actually think that the vocals added a refreshing touch to the way-too-canned Feel the Vibe

Me likes! :P
chewie_oo7 said:
it does when im sitting at work and some warbling comes on the airwaves.... :roll:

its not even a half decent effort imo.
Agreed. It's an abomination.

Add vocals to get on the radio. Fine. But at least make them halfway decent. :roll:
I loved the original, the vocal is the finest example of ruining a track I have heard for some time, and I bet I'll hear it this weekend and just run out of the club