Feel the love generation


New Member
Das müßten wir doch eigentlich alle zusammen hinkriegen. Jeder eine Zeile, mal gucken wie weit wir kommen. Das Intro kennen wir alle:
Bam bam bada bam bam
bada bam

From Jamica to the world
kein problem

:lol: :) :lol:

From Jamaica to the world,
It's just love,
It's just love,

Why must our children play in the streets,
Broken hearts and faded dreams,
Peace and love to everyone that you meet,
Don't you worry, it could be so sweet,
Just look to the rainbow, you will see
Sun will shine till eternity,
I've got so much love in my heart,
No-one can tear it apart,

Feel the love generation,
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
Feel the love generation,
C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon yeah,


Feel the love generation,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Feel the love generation,
Ooohhh yeah-yeah,

Don't worry about a thing,
It's gonna be alright,
Don't worry about a thing,
It's gonna be alright,
Don't worry about a thing,
It's gonna be alright,
Gonna be, gonna, gonna, gonna be alright,

Why must our children play in the streets,
Broken hearts and faded dreams,
Peace and love to everyone that you meet,
Don't you worry, it could be so sweet,
Just look to the rainbow, you will see
Sun will shine till eternity,
I've got so much love in my heart,
No-one can tear it apart,

UND JETZT BITTE ALLE... :p :lol: :p :)
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, Moeller hat mein "All-together" zerstört ....

Moeller hat bestimmt auch niemand in der Schule abschreiben lassen....

Moeller teilt auch bestimmt mit niemanden seine Sonnencreme ....

Moeller ist sooooooooooooooo gemein ...... Plär, Plär, Plär, Plär

Und außerdem: Moeller, es heißt "BE the love generaton " (weiß ich auch allerdings erst seit Samstagabend)
m0Eller said:
:lol: :) :lol:

From Jamaica to the world,
It's just love,
It's just love,

Why must our children play in the streets,
Broken hearts and faded dreams,
Peace and love to everyone that you meet,
Don't you worry, it could be so sweet,
Just look to the rainbow, you will see
Sun will shine till eternity,
I've got so much love in my heart,
No-one can tear it apart,

Feel the love generation,
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
Feel the love generation,
C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon yeah,


Feel the love generation,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Feel the love generation,
Ooohhh yeah-yeah,

Don't worry about a thing,
It's gonna be alright,
Don't worry about a thing,
It's gonna be alright,
Don't worry about a thing,
It's gonna be alright,
Gonna be, gonna, gonna, gonna be alright,

Why must our children play in the streets,
Broken hearts and faded dreams,
Peace and love to everyone that you meet,
Don't you worry, it could be so sweet,
Just look to the rainbow, you will see
Sun will shine till eternity,
I've got so much love in my heart,
No-one can tear it apart,

UND JETZT BITTE ALLE... :p :lol: :p :)

Spielverderber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cry: :x
Also irgendwie hab ich das gefühl ihr habt den Moeller kommt nicht wieder8O

Bei den Ladies mußt du vorsichtig sein, weißt du doch!!!!
Huehnerdiebin said:
Lopez, das gilt auch für dich ! Wir sind nicht für dein Sex-Leben verantwortlich! :spank: :spank: :spank:

Wer hat denn gesagt das du/ihr dafür verantwortlich wärst/wäret!!
Mein Leben inkl. des Sex-Lebens ist super schön so wie es ist und das soll möglichst lange so bleiben. Also nimm auf mich keine Rücksicht :D