hey grego- why don't u stop being a douche & let a new person to the forum ask a simple question..(wahh) "How long is a piece of string?" (wahh) "you'll get a million different replies" (wah wah wah)
sorry this guy doesn't spend every waking goddamn minute on this forum..maybe he just wants to experience ibiza for what it is without all the ELITIST bullsh** people give off cuz they go they're every summer..(wah) "ibiza sux its so commercial" (wah) i think a lot of people on this forum gotta take the stick outta there culo and just chill the f*** out.
maybe people just wanna have fun in ibiza and not comment who's set sux or why privilege isn't a club but a show. Or why San Antonia is for the brits and Playa Den Bossa is for the Yanks and Germans..who gives a flying sh**
oh and i know some people on this forum will say to leave if i don't like the board..but there are chill peeps here along with the mods (shout out to Stephen &Mcrakin) who just wanna (like i said) experience ibiza for wut it is...actually some of these forum members remind me of the bouchy partiers in LA, NYC, and Miami who always comment on how the parties suck when there are always a packed club where everyone's havin fun but them...
so wutever, im ready for some senior member HATIN...bring it on