FAO UK men

Surely if thats ever the case for guys, it would give them a massive incentive to lose some bloody weight :confused:

unless they got a small winky and dont wana see it anyway ;) :lol:
That is a d1ckydoo. that is when someones belly sticks out father than their d1cky do. The USA stats would be shocking:eek:
i guess it might depend how you 'hang' :lol:

anyways the day i cant see the chap is a day not worth living haha
Surely this highlights two areas of concern; they were fat bastards or they have very small todgers.
I've lost 2.5 stone in the last year through giving up alcohol and illness- I've no worries apart from how to stop losing bloody weight!! :D
My weight goes up and down like a yo yo.

With the contraints of 12 2' to 12 10'

After I recently did the coast to coast i was at 2' and as fit as i've been for years.

Then i broke a rib and have not been able to do anything for a month, have put on 1/2 a stone and am unfit again. Really quite depressing to be honest :cry:

Can still see my cock tho.
I've generally been at a good fighting weight since the Big Supermassive Diet two years ago. 8)

However, at present, I do have about 2 kg of holiday & travel weight to drop. Will get that done before Ibiza.

I'm looking at the massive bulge in my pants this very moment...