FAO Robder

PS - "protests" aside (not sure why the interest but happy to act as the sole advocate for Tibet since you're angling for a pi$$ taking assault :lol:)

Did you see that dispatches programme on channel 4? :eek:

I had no idea how bleedin' awful it was out there!

Hard labour imprisonment for 15+ years for owning a Tibetan flag...forced sterilisation of Tibetan women...torture for the slightest thing...arresting monks in their rooms if they don't open their doors within 4 seconds when the police come to check on them...beatings in the street if they gather in groups of more than 4...all official business and teaching in Mandarin rather than Tibetan and Tibetans aren't allowed to enter school to learn the language...Tibetan nomads having their lands taken from them and forced to live in tiny cramped villages in the middle of no where and they aren't allowed to work, so no income, no schooling, no medical facilities...

I understand the Tibetans are attractive because they're peaceloving buddhists and all that, but why was there not this kind of interest when the Uighurs had their uprising a few years ago?

The Uighurs are a Muslim people that populate China's farthest Western province, Xinjiang. They at one time had an independent state called East Turkestan. They're a Turkic people like the Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and Turkmen - but all they're ethinc cousins got independent states with the fall of the USSR while they remain under Chinese rule.

I've been out to the Uighur area along the Kazakhstan-China border. Nicest people you want to meet. And I'm in love with their signature dish - lagman.

The crackdown there was much more severe than what I've read about events in Tibet. And the Chinese managed to get the Uighurs internationally labeled as "separatists".

I read a few years ago they ship in 1000 new Han Chinese settlers a day by train. The Uighurs are now a minority in their own homeland.

All seems a bit hypocritical to me.
I understand the Tibetans are attractive because they're peaceloving buddhists and all that, but why was there not this kind of interest when the Uighurs had their uprising a few years ago?

For the simple reason that everyone wants to dig up dirt on a country when they're hosting the olympics. That sort of controversy sells after all. ;)

...and the Dalai Lama is glamourous enough to fit the bill.

Interesting what you say. But don't quite understand how the two are directly related. What is the role of Tibet in this? Educate me please.
I'm just saying, why are you up in arms over Tibet when you probably didn't even know about Xinjiang? I guess the Dalai Lama is great PR for the Tibetans, but they're not the only separatist movement or repressed people on earth, and not even in China.
One isn't at the expense of the other though is it?
Still don't understand why it's a bad thing to support the cause.

I'm up in arms for no other reason than it's in the media a lot...and it's a very interesting story to follow at the moment.
I think Robder needs a break on this one to be fair.

The reason he's championing the cause of Tibetans is as he says, it's been brought to his attention, he can't be held accountable for what he isn't aware of.

I'm not one for protests etc, but at least Robder is doing something self-less.

(I was kicked out of the hunt sabs for being a member of the gun club at Uni, but i personally didn't see the conflict :lol: i just wanted to ruck with the poshies)
Hmmm agreed - I think these arguments are a tad bizarre.

"championing the cause" <= :lol: I guess this constitutes ranting my views on the subject at every available opportunity. I don't think I'm alone here though (am I?) *echo*

Chewie - there's a certain irony in what you're saying. I think you're guilty of exactly what you're accusing me of doing! You seem more intent on getting one over for the sake of your ego than saying anything important. But feel free to flog a dead horse one more time!
Chewie - there's a certain irony in what you're saying. I think you're guilty of exactly what you're accusing me of doing! You seem more intent on getting one over for the sake of your ego than saying anything important. But feel free to flog a dead horse one more time!

im just intent on taking the pi$$ because this country has turned into a hypocritical " oh we'll do our bit until the next fad comes rolling along in the headlines", yet when it comes to stuff on your own doorstep, no one gives 2 squits. (maybe apart from the Poll Tax riots).

kinda makes me think that violence solves most things. (i bet even Ghandi had a 4 letter tirade about the brits in private).

Chewie - have you seen the first episode from the latest series of South Park? Download it... it's not their funniest effort and a little preachy but still good.

Two of the kids get HIV and they have a hard time getting help/attention because the AIDS fad has passed and now everyone's focussed on cancer. :confused:
"championing the cause" <= :lol: I guess this constitutes ranting my views on the subject at every available opportunity. I don't think I'm alone here though (am I?) *echo*


No that's not what i meant, i don't think you rant about things, not half as much as i've been known too! :lol:
Chewie - have you seen the first episode from the latest series of South Park? Download it... it's not their funniest effort and a little preachy but still good.

Two of the kids get HIV and they have a hard time getting help/attention because the AIDS fad has passed and now everyone's focussed on cancer. :confused:

them SP boys have got their take on the world spot on!