FAO Robder or anyone interested in Amazonian Shamans


Well-Known Member
You may well already be going to this but saw it on fb anyway:

Time12 April · 19:00 - 22:00
LocationHoxton GalleryThe Basement, 12-18 Hoxton St,
London N1 6NG

Created by:Evolver London , Dan O'Neill
More infoShamans of the Amazon is a personal account of Film-maker Dean Jefferys returning to the Amazon with his partner and one year old daughter. They journey deep into the heart of the Ecuadorian rainforest to meet two Amazon Shamans, to learn about and experience the ancient ayahuasca ritual. The film will also show how this hallucinogenic ritual is being adapted and used in western cultures.

Inisghts into the medicine will also be shared and questions answered by experienced ayahuasqueros.

You're warmly welcomed to the second Evolver London event; fascinating film, amazing venue, great company.

Bring food and drink to share

Looking forward to seeing you there.
You may well already be going to this but saw it on fb anyway:

Time12 April · 19:00 - 22:00
LocationHoxton GalleryThe Basement, 12-18 Hoxton St,
London N1 6NG

Created by:Evolver London , Dan O'Neill
More infoShamans of the Amazon is a personal account of Film-maker Dean Jefferys returning to the Amazon with his partner and one year old daughter. They journey deep into the heart of the Ecuadorian rainforest to meet two Amazon Shamans, to learn about and experience the ancient ayahuasca ritual. The film will also show how this hallucinogenic ritual is being adapted and used in western cultures.

Inisghts into the medicine will also be shared and questions answered by experienced ayahuasqueros.

You're warmly welcomed to the second Evolver London event; fascinating film, amazing venue, great company.

Bring food and drink to share

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Yeah man, if you look up Blue Morph Lodge, it details the experience of a National Geographic journalist that went down there. Pretty wild. I was thinking of doing it myself, but not sure. It's really not all that expensive to take the trip. Google it.
Meh. Ayahuasca tourism - have heard mixed reports from Blue Morpho.

Just loads of gurning middle class westerners wanting to get off their t!ts! (that's not to say the bloke that runs it doesn't have integrity because I know nothing about him.)

Ayahuasca isn't really for recreational purposes - although like anything I guess it can be used as such.

* and expensive??? Blue Morpho is fu(king extortionate! You're more likely to be surrounded by hooray henrys than people searching for healing.
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Yeah man, if you look up Blue Morph Lodge, it details the experience of a National Geographic journalist that went down there. Pretty wild. I was thinking of doing it myself, but not sure. It's really not all that expensive to take the trip. Google it.

Just mt 2 cents. Don't know how much of it is real stuff. This could be something for the punters.
give a report please

Sadly can't go. :cry: - am on a course (similar subject matter but without the hallucinogenics :lol:)

In a way I think this sort of thing is best left in the wild though.

Ceremonial stuff as personal as that shouldn't really be filmed.
Just mt 2 cents. Don't know how much of it is real stuff. This could be something for the punters.

? 'real stuff'?

Can it get any more real than this? I don't see a laboratory, 3rd party diluting or drug barons involved in the process somehow.

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? 'real stuff'?

Can it get any more real than this? I don't see a laboratory, 3rd party diluting or drug barons involved in the process somehow.


They have native american shaman tourist traps. just for the punters. The Native Americans hold their ceremonies sacred and would not have a pay to play set up.
They have native american shaman tourist traps. just for the punters. The Native Americans hold their ceremonies sacred and would not have a pay to play set up.

It's not really that cut and dry to be honest.

Indigenous cultures have to be protective over their way of life because of the dark history of genocide - by God fearing Westerners obsessed with land ownership.

(See stolen children generation in Aboriginal Australia, the wiping out of Native American traditions, 'witch' burning Paganism in the UK and the inquisition etc etc).

This is on the wane though - ancient healing traditions are part of our culture too...Western or otherwise, it's in our lineage so no one really "owns" it. (The concept of Nationalism in itself is a Western idea after all.)

The great thing about these cultures is that they're tangible earth based practices based on the four elements and nature (and proven by science) - unlike all the Americanised new age fluff we so often see. :rolleyes:

...and never has there been a more important time for this kind of awareness so getting cliquey about sacred practices for the sake of patriotism doesn't make sense.
It's not really that cut and dry to be honest.

Indigenous cultures have to be protective over their way of life because of the dark history of genocide - by God fearing Westerners obsessed with land ownership.

(See stolen children generation in Aboriginal Australia, the wiping out of Native American traditions, 'witch' burning Paganism in the UK and the inquisition etc etc).

This is on the wane though - ancient healing traditions are part of our culture too...Western or otherwise, it's in our lineage so no one really "owns" it. (The concept of Nationalism in itself is a Western idea after all.)

The great thing about these cultures is that they're tangible earth based practices based on the four elements and nature (and proven by science) - unlike all the Americanised new age fluff we so often see. :rolleyes:

...and never has there been a more important time for this kind of awareness so getting cliquey about sacred practices for the sake of patriotism doesn't make sense.

It is not about patriotism, and more about the money grubbing society we live in. The way people will try to sell anything that you are willing to pay for. I'm not saying Blue Morph is that but I'm not sure.