FAO people planning to work in Ibiza


New Member
I worked out there last season and I have to say that I had the most amazing time of my life! I'm doing it for my 2nd Season this year and can't wait! Ibiza is a very special place, and for those of you who will be working abroad for the first time, you've chosen well in Ibiza. You are all going to have the greatest time, do the best parties, and meet the most amazing people you've ever met! Just DO NOT have second thoughts about doing it! :)

With regards to work and accomodation out there, I stayed in San Antonio last year. Not as nice as Playa Den Bossa but it's where everyone else is. I found a job on my first day, and found accomodation with my pals after about 5 days. I think I was pretty lucky but you should all know you will all DEFINITELY find work PRing out there, and there are loads of places to stay in San An. When looking for a place to live, look out for green stickers stuck on windows. They normally say Alquila (summin like that), and will have a spanish number on them. Those are places to rent. Obviously the number is the number of the landlord/landlady. Prices were normally around 1000 Euros a month. Split that between four of you and it's a measley 250 Euros, NOTHING AT ALL!! :p

Trust me people, for those of you who will be working out there for the first time, I guarantee you'll do it again the year after! Enjoy it all people, and I'll see you out there!



P.S If you want to ask me anything, my myspace address is

thanks for writing that.............. good advice and im now even more excited to go!!

17 days and counting x
HEY powerwilly here question about ibiza

Hey lucas or grego can you advise.

Is it hard to get the NIE, the spanish National insurance no to work legally, when i worked out thier in 2000, it was brutal obtaining one.
Can you advise if its any easier and how to go about getting one, i know the form the ex 14 is in spanish as i dont speak spanish will someone help me fill it in or is their an english version, im learning basic spanish at moment not enough to help me fill in the form ?

Also is it possible to get one before you arrive or do still have to go to the police station to obtain once you have a job to be legally employed.
I know you need 4 passport phots, as well as copies of your Passport.
Thanks for the help, ive been 6 times to ibiza, worked once, flying out again on 25th may.

My email wilarm1988@yahoo.co.uk also use this to add me to your bebo address through your hotmail.
My msn messenger to add is ja009b5497@blueyonder.co.uk my space is http://wilarm1988.spaces.live.com/

Powerwilly in da air
PowerWilly, (hee hee)

Regarding the NIE, I never ended up getting one last year, but will be getting one this year. I was told last year that if you go to the Ship Inn in San Antonio, then they will help you fill out the form there. But then you gotta get to the Police Station (or whatever the place is) in Ibiza Town and queue up to get your pass. I'm gonna be going down there well early one morning so I avoid the queue. Think I'll do the old, got to Pacha, then when I come out of there, strrrrrrrrraight to the Station. They'll love me!! hahahaha

Hope that helps a bit.

from last year (i think) you also need a pre-contract of employment in order to be able to obtain one.

then go to the police station near the macdonalds in ibiza town at about 8am and wait your turn with your photos and passport copies.

grego is right , now you need to prove you have a job offer before they issue you with nie number..:D form is quite easy to fill, name & address, date of birth ..not much else , any helpful person will explain.