FAO Morbyd

Is this Pussy Riot a big thing or is western media at it again?
It's a big thing.

Even for Russia, that trial was a total farce - a show trial in the best Soviet tradition. I expect plenty of demonstrations, but they'll have limited impact.

Public opinion here is pretty evenly split into 3 parts - those who think what they did was wrong and they should rot in jail, those who think what they did was wrong but not worth a jail term, and those that think they didn't do anything bad.

I'm not sure all of the vocal support from around the world has helped. Putin's the kind of guy to dig in his heels before bowing to pressure.

The 2 year sentences the girls received is a lot better than the 7 they could have gotten, but still unbelievably stiff for something that in most countries in the West would be considered nothing more than misdemeanor trespassing :confused:
Perhaps I'm being a little cynical here, but I can't help but feel that this worldwide exposure the band have gained will likely set them up for life financially, post jail term.

Maybe 2 years is a small price to pay :lol:

No such thing as bad publicity as they say (!)
Perhaps I'm being a little cynical here, but I can't help but feel that this worldwide exposure the band have gained will likely set them up for life financially, post jail term.

Maybe 2 years is a small price to pay :lol:

No such thing as bad publicity as they say (!)

I think 2 years of Russian Jail Time is equivalent to 8 years of our Jail Time:)
Hasn't been announced yet, as far as I know.
I seem to recall it will be a labor colony, though, so not an easy 19 months left for them :(
I hope they get it all reduced on appeal.
It's a big thing.

Even for Russia, that trial was a total farce - a show trial in the best Soviet tradition. I expect plenty of demonstrations, but they'll have limited impact.

Public opinion here is pretty evenly split into 3 parts - those who think what they did was wrong and they should rot in jail, those who think what they did was wrong but not worth a jail term, and those that think they didn't do anything bad.

I'm not sure all of the vocal support from around the world has helped. Putin's the kind of guy to dig in his heels before bowing to pressure.

The 2 year sentences the girls received is a lot better than the 7 they could have gotten, but still unbelievably stiff for something that in most countries in the West would be considered nothing more than misdemeanor trespassing :confused:

I have looked at the case from over here and thought it might have an anti Putin and Russian bias. I see now that the report have been spot on. Will Russia get tired of Putin or will he rule for life?
Apparently, The Saturdays are recording "Cameron is a moron" inside Westminster Abbey shortly....