Fancy Dress Ideas


Active Member
Me and Jon have got a friend's fancy dress party next Saturday. The theme is 80's!! So we're both racking our brains to think of good outfits we can come up with. Ideally something that isn't going to cost a fortune to make/buy.

I thought about Madonna with the cone bra but that's more 90's isnt it? :?

Help! :twisted:
has to be 80's - also has to be something which can easily be put together cos we're not buying anything lol - does not leave much I know
I think you should go as Pepsi and Shirley.
what these? can I keep your dress for longer then:)

I think you should go as Pepsi and Shirley.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I LOVED Pepsi and Shirley, I soooooooooo wanted to be them, I even wrote to Jim'll Fix It to ask if I could be one of them for the day and be a Wham backing singing but I'm still waiting for my reply from him :cry:
:lol: Go ahead.

I've had a better idea, go as Jon Bon Jovi with a big mullet wig - Bec won't be able to keep her hands off you. :lol:

Ohhhhh yes!!!! Phhwwooarrr a bit of JBJ always goes down well! :twisted:

I'm thinking early eighties Madonna, lots of eye liner, ra-ra skirts, leggings, shoulderpads, wild hair etc etc...

(for me not Jon)