Fake Police


Well-Known Member
Just read this on Facebook....

*Ibiza friends, please share this!*
Last night when heading back from a friends bar in the west end my girlfriend and I were targeted and attacked by FAKE POLICE. They rushed us, accusing me of raping my GF and held us down demanding ID. They used scare tactics to force us into giving over details of our hotel while giving me a beating. They continued assaulting both of us until we gave over our IDs and the took photos of them. Once I twigged that they were not real police I tired to film them on my phone which just lead to more physical abuse.
I’ve been coming to ibiza for the last 15 years, never has anything like this happened to me and this can absolutely not happen again, so please, can everyone stay vigilant to this and make sure you ask to see the police badge if you get challenged by police.
These criminals are in a white Citron Picasso type car with blue lights on, disguised as the Policia Local. All they seem interested in is getting photos of driving licenses / passports.
Look out for 2 white males dressed in dark ‘police like’ uniforms. One 6 foot + with black hear and a beard, the other, about 5’9”. They seem to be Eastern European, and don’t like having any videos / photos taken of them. They also are probably working with an accomplice, who is also white, Eastern European, 5’10” (approx) and tired tried stealing my phone in the west end.

Be careful out there people :)