Fake News / Social Media warriors


Well-Known Member
This has been a big thing on my facebook the last week or so.
Taking Aleppo as the main example...

I see lots of people appauled / posting reports and urging to give to charities / sign petitions / thoughts are with aleppo etc....
Everything Ive seen looks like its obviously horrific.

and then...
On the opposite side I have friends claiming its fake news and showing videos of arab tv channels interviewing ppl welcoming the 'liberation of allepo' but they all say " You'll never see this on western news"etc. Citing the west as instigators of war and controlling the reporting to get what they want...

My friends claiming fake news are not idiots or classic tin foil hat brigade..

I did watch some of the live broadcast of the emergencey meeting they held. The russian guy had some very interesting things to say which ive not heard in any newspaper / bbc report

So I wonder what everyone else thinks on this subject or if they've experienced this?
No such thing as fake news and it's one of the worst terms to be coined this year to shut down a difference of opinion. Moreover the news has become more and more partisan and rather than trying to portray what's happening it's become a chance to control the narrative at every opportunity (The Guardian being one of the worst offenders. Sad really as I used to enjoy that paper).

Take every form of media, article and video you see then make your own mind up. Discuss it with friends, colleagues and people you trust and then form your own opinion.
Some news is fake tho, one sided or propaganda...I.am finding it hard to know who to believe nowadays. Eg Supporters of Assad is saying that he is not killing his own people and people against him are saying he is..confusing...

I have donated a bit to aleppo charity just hope the money gets to where it needs to, u never know with charities these days
There was a video on fb this week about the BBC faking a chemical attack news story, complete with actors etc. I don't really pay attention to the news because I do believe a lot of it is propaganda.

Denzel Washington was interviewed recently and asked about fake news stories and I thought his reply was pretty smart "if you don't watch the news your uninformed, if you do watch the news your misinformed"
So everyone is kind of in agreement that there are low lying agendas that influence in the way things are reported.

I think what my friend was saying was a big step further , like there was a grand plan to start insecurities / wars in the middles east for western interests ,and that includes controlling the reporting to the 'mainstream'... By saying everyone eats up 'mainstream media' it implys there are enlightened , more intelligent sources or people. Which I find a massive contradiction.

It reminded me abit of the age old techno chin strokers vs new young kids having a good time debate. Theres an air of superiority / knowledge on one side but is it valid?

Classic example is people who repeatedly post things about the benefits of cannabis , but the links are all to websites with a massive interest / pro cannabis agenda

I thought it was all abit far fetched, was just wondering what other ppl thought.
I used to believe the bbc was impartial until the build up to the Scottish Independence referendum, but I guess with regards that issue the clue is in the name.
So everyone is kind of in agreement that there are low lying agendas that influence in the way things are reported.

It reminded me abit of the age old techno chin strokers vs new young kids having a good time debate. Theres an air of superiority / knowledge on one side but is it valid?

Classic example is people who repeatedly post things about the benefits of cannabis , but the links are all to websites with a massive interest / pro cannabis agenda

Great post.

There is never a bigger gulf in perceived intelligence and actual intelligence than with conspiracy theorists. Quick to denounce mainstream media, but happy to accept grainy, rehashed footage of Putin, subtitled by somebody using their iphone, having not an ounce of understanding of the Russian language at face value.
The BBC spout some sh!te as well, particularly on the net.

I quite like RT news for proper reporting

All the msm outlets serve a purpose for the establishment ,whether it's Russian ,british or amerikkkan. Propaganda, control and narrative. They are there to form the opinion of the masses. who to like, who hate,what's right,what's wrong,who's a terrorist who isnt ,who are our alies ,who arn't . It's all dog shit! It's all designed to make the working class turn on each other and hate,or fear their neighbour. It's all right wing, with the odd liberal rag thrown in to make you think you have a choice in where you get your news and views from.
choice is simple - you stick with the old, admittedly imperfect media that we all grew up with or you allow your mind to be swamped by conspiracy theory mush (aka LIES) that mad old men on the internet churn out day after day on websites with zero credibility whatsoever

you can choose the imperfect liberal world that Obama/Merkel believe in or go down the loudmouth trump/Putin/assange/farage/le pen road to fascism

the climate, human rights, economic hardship, religious fanaticism - the world is facing a seriously scary future right now because some total dickhead opportunists have conned the general public

I'll probably cry when Obama leaves office. best president US had since Roosevelt