Explosions in Boston!


Well-Known Member
2 at the marathon a third just reported at a library....
Bad news :(
3rd was a controlled explosion, horrific scenes as the runners crossed the finish line. 2 dead and 23 injured and counting.
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This video about shows it all. The horrors man can commit against fellow man. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

I lived in Boston for 6 years. I know these streets. The marathon is the city's big day. And this unspeakable horror.
Some of the graphic images that got posted were truly horrendous. I'm glad they blanked out the faces. It's a truly terrible thing - the irony of having your legs blown off at a marathon finishing line is almost one of the cruellest you can think of. Pure evil. Really feel for those people and their families.

... and this is yet more confirmation that (some) human nature really does not improve with time :

FFS that is lower then low don't know whether to laugh or be angry :eek: Utterly ridiculous, those graphic images will stay with me forever whoever did this wants hanging and even then it wouldn't be severe enough a punishment.
Photos and video released already of two suspects, one of them put the device on the finish line....how the ffff did they not see this happening ffs?
I would of thought that the yanks would be on red alert these days seeing as half the worlds extremists seem to hate them, hope someone who recognises them does the right thing and gets these *****s brought to justice.
One of the 2 suspects dead. One more to go!

But this makes me sick:

"It has been brought to our attention that this year's Boston Marathon Finisher's medallions have shown up on E-Bay," the medal maker, Ashworth Awards, said on Facebook on Wednesday evening. "It is truly sad that people out there are attempting to profit from this."
Just revealed that the perps* are two brothers from Dagestan, a region in southern Russia (next door to Chechnya). Apparently Chechens.

*especially for you, Buckley
I would like to express my condolences to those scared and directly affected. . . The usa is prone to violence. . . It is sad sad sad.