exploring the island

Josh Allen

New Member
I will be there for 12 days come july, and want to get out and explore the island. Do i need to reserve more then one day for this?

Also, is it best to just rent a scooter for the day, or do i need a car?

Any recommendations on stuff that i must see or spots i have to check out

Thanks in advance,
Although it is only a small Island,in my opinion you could explore for the full 12 days,and you will still be just brushing the surface! I won't suggest anything to do or see,because everyone's taste is different.I would however say, dig deep into this site for ideas of the sort of stuff that tickle's your wotsit:) Lot's of people say avoid scooter's (dangerous) if you are the sort of person who can't do without a car in everyday life ,well.......maybe, the bus service is pretty good, but, it seem's to me that you have already decided that a day is enough...;)
is it worth getting a car for the entire 12 days? Is it tough to get a parking spot, we are staying at some little apartments (del sol / es cano) Will we have to pay for parking?

or should we just rent for a couple days?