Exchanging cash (sterling)


Active Member
There is the bank in at the bottom of the west end strip in San An? Correct?

Is it easy enough to change £££'s to euros there, and is the rate much better than changing in the UK first?
yes it is a bank.but you will get abetter rate in other places.

Is it easy enough to change £££'s to euros there=its easy anywhere you go.they are a bank you know??.

san an euro rate is always lower than any other resort.depends which bank you are with and what card you have might be better useing that.or get a p/o top up card.

or take a little amount of euro with you.then shop around.its all a gamble and every one has different ways of doing it.but when changing a lot of money over two weeks it all adds up to a few more euro.what ever way you do it.

i am looking at post office card.as nationwide now charge 2% plus £1.00 the spainish bank charges.the p/o is free.pre paid top up card.

but the bank you are on about it will be lower than exchange shops or la sernia shops.or art.