"evil gangs make thousands doing squat parties!"

rave documentaries haven't evolved much in 20 years then.

love the bit where he says "evidence of drug taking" just as the camera zooms in on someone inhaling a balloon :lol:
I still love watching that 'Rave new world' docco and the intensity of the World Dance shots they use at the beginning still beat the pants of anything going on today.

(Distinct lack of disco trannies though.)
the only party they managed to go to was a very commercial , legal rave that cost 20quid , in advance! Lame :lol:
the only party they managed to go to was a very commercial , legal rave that cost 20quid , in advance! Lame :lol:

Very true. :lol:

There are some more...

Exodus - Movement of Jah People
Universe - Global Dance Party (bloody brilliant)
Will post more when I think of them.

plus loads of brilliant Sunrise clips on youtube. 8)
the other party sites they went to in that doc were organised by the hippy psy trance crews (group for peas , psychadelic circle) , having met some of them i can confirm they are about as far away from an organised crime gang as you can get haha!