Ever had one of those days...


Active Member
...when you wonder what the f**k you're still doing on the hamster wheel and how many more times you are going to take being spoken to like an idiot before you jack it all in and get a job at the Safari Park looking after the Llamas?

(anyone who is happy in their job need not reply to this :lol:)
Why not leave?

I wrote the book on this subject trust me... :lol:

Convinced myself that I'd enjoy working in a global ad agency, managed to land a great job, hated it (ad agency bullsh!t ughhhh) and tortured myself to stay in it because of what it took to get there.

Then someone told me I was a crap anarchist - apparently I couldn't stay because it was so bad and I couldn't leave because 'what would people say in this climate?' etc.

Then I suddenly left with nothing to go to.

It felt great.

Never been happier etc.
You and so many others trust me.

It really was a dark time in my life and what's struck me since is the amount of people telling similar stories.

I'd always favour being broke and happy over sensible, comfortable and miserable.
I don't have the luxury of being able to walk out of my job.

without the paltry money I do get coming in, I am screwed in unimaginable ways, not least with that witch on my case for maintenance payments now.

Ideally, I need to retrain and find some career which I can be enthusiastic about but as I see it, it's a pretty bleak landscape out there..

I think the bloke I sacked at midday today, on his first day back after having a few days off to try and save his marriage, after his wife left him for the swinging couple over the road is having one of those days.

Poor git.
I think the bloke I sacked at midday today, on his first day back after having a few days off to try and save his marriage, after his wife left him for the swinging couple over the road is having one of those days.

Poor git.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Things are definitely not that bad.

I don't usually let things get to me but this morning it was one careless comment too far :evil:
Why not leave?

I wrote the book on this subject trust me... :lol:

Convinced myself that I'd enjoy working in a global ad agency, managed to land a great job, hated it (ad agency bullsh!t ughhhh) and tortured myself to stay in it because of what it took to get there.

Then someone told me I was a crap anarchist - apparently I couldn't stay because it was so bad and I couldn't leave because 'what would people say in this climate?' etc.

Then I suddenly left with nothing to go to.

It felt great.

Never been happier etc.

Ditto (or very similar).

Did this in 2003 from a very well paid 'job for life'. To this day the in-laws still think I am bonkers!! Yet I have never been happier.
I think the bloke I sacked at midday today, on his first day back after having a few days off to try and save his marriage, after his wife left him for the swinging couple over the road is having one of those days.

Poor git.


Would make an 'interesting' tribunal:lol::lol:
Fair play to you if you have a plan B and/or can be happy when broke. I've got the former but would struggle with the latter. I like flying to nice places too much & eating the best food & drink I can find to even consider volountarily bailing out of the system.

I've seen so many talented people, good friends, lose their jobs & deal with the consequences over the past couple of years to ever take the fact that someone wants to employ me for my ability to generate £ for them, for granted. Architecture is still on it's knees and will be for another couple of years. Three leaving do's tomorrow:cry:.

Would make an 'interesting' tribunal:lol::lol:

Only here for a couple of months so no rights whatsoever. Was a like an f-ing school boy - sneaking away early if I wasn't at the office, being reminded time and time again to do the basics of his job and still not doing them. He was a really crap liar too, so I feel little for him.

Liverpool fan too - if they were to go under today, that'd be the the nadir of a pretty terrible week for him.
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Ditto (or very similar).

Did this in 2003 from a very well paid 'job for life'. To this day the in-laws still think I am bonkers!! Yet I have never been happier.

And me. Left a very secure job at one of top UK companies in 2004 and have been freelancing for 6 years now - I work when I want to work and for who I want to work and will never go back to permanent employment. Life is too short (and we spend too much time at work) to be doing something you don't enjoy.
I like flying to nice places too much & eating the best food & drink I can find to even consider volountarily bailing out of the system.

That's where I'm at. A ridiculously huge interest only mortgage also plays a part in my not being able to bid sayonara.

And I've just opened my pay rise letter - :eek: They must sense I'm having a moment of doubt :lol:
And me. Left a very secure job at one of top UK companies in 2004 and have been freelancing for 6 years now - I work when I want to work and for who I want to work and will never go back to permanent employment. Life is too short (and we spend too much time at work) to be doing something you don't enjoy.

(must stop using thos arrows) but errr , this. 8)
(must stop using thos arrows) but errr , this. 8)

You've gone freelance as well haven't you Marc? I think it makes such a difference - I would HATE my job if I had to do it permanent as there is so much $HIT that comes with the territory but with freelance you just go in, do your job and go home.

right this ^ is becomig an issue but saves on bandwidth quoting everything! Yeah i couldnt deal with the day to day bullcrap that goes with my industry but i realised i do still like the craft of what we do so freelance/night shifts is perfect for me cos i cut out all the crap and politics an just do the thing that got me interested in the first place.