Eurovision 2010


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Ok, I apoligise for starting this thread, and I know Olly is going to have a field day, but its that time of year again, when my repressed gay personality comes to a head and is let loose for 3 nights of flamboyant, extrovert fun!

Please indulge my emotions as its cheaper than going to a shrink to deal with them:lol:

I reckon its to do with my childhood growing up in Ireland, where they only thing we were good at (apart from drinking and blaming other people for our misfortunes) was winning the Eurovision.

There is a silver lining to the annual meeting with my gay self, in that I have a particular knack at picking and backing the winner...........6 wins from the last 8.

Anybody watching last nights semi-final??

I was rather taken with the Belgian entry and that intuition I get tells me to back Tom Dice's Me and My Guitar at 20/1 to win.

I know its only the first semi-final and I have not listened to the other half of the draw, but at 20's I cant let it go without investing a few euro on my hunch.....

Here is the song, a classy bit of songwriting for a Eurovision:eek:
6 of 8 is a pretty good record although Lordi, Dima Bilan and Alex Rybak were practically pre-anointed.

Not hearing much about favorites this time around. I suppose the pundits will switch into full gear after the semis.
Ive had a similar record at backing the winner in the last few years Bez.

Azerbaijan looks like a certainty this year, nearly as much as Norway last year, but they are a short price 3/1. Ive already backed them at 4/1.
I backed Iceland at 150/1 and thought last night her performance was better than expected. Now into 40/1.
I do agree with you that Belgium could do well but think they will finish top 5.
I think main threats could be Iceland, Armenia and Belgium but I do think Azerbaijan will win.
The crowd locally are really behind Iceland though - typical Euro trash song!!!
Ive had a similar record at backing the winner in the last few years Bez.

Azerbaijan looks like a certainty this year, nearly as much as Norway last year, but they are a short price 3/1. Ive already backed them at 4/1.
I backed Iceland at 150/1 and thought last night her performance was better than expected. Now into 40/1.
I do agree with you that Belgium could do well but think they will finish top 5.
I think main threats could be Iceland, Armenia and Belgium but I do think Azerbaijan will win.
The crowd locally are really behind Iceland though - typical Euro trash song!!!

Well done on the 4's for Azerbaijan......they are 6/4 now!

Yes Iceland have a good song but as usual the Talent looks all wrong up front, I thought the Albanian song (66's)was a better Euro Trash number with a sexy female front thats not 10 stone overweight,

Moldova at 150/1 are my outsiders. The sax in the track makes it catchy.

Of the big nations the German Entry is good and that will be a big danger.... Lena and Satellite.

you shouldn't be so harsh on Ireland. I'm Irish and proud, even though I grew up in England, raping their education system, just like they raped our women back in the day..I have an affinity for the Emerald Isle...

Yes, it's true, more than 100% of Irishmen are alcoholics..however at least we know how to have a laugh and not entertain the notion of paranoia, one quality I feel the English have got themselves in a muddle with and display with enthusiasm!

At least we were good at something Bez, i.e. the Eurovision. Let's cling to least...


you shouldn't be so harsh on Ireland. I'm Irish and proud...........

Yes, it's true, more than 100% of Irishmen are alcoholics


Yes but you didnt have to grow up here.

There is a feeling in the country at the moment that we should give the Keys back to England and say that we are sorry........such is the disillusionment with the way our country was run into the ground by our corrupt politicians.

That "more that 100%" quote is a real Irish one though:):)