Europe/ Eastern Bloc Clubbing weekends


Active Member
Me and my mates are in research phase of planning a weekend away to Europe to hit a decent club, bit of culture, some booze and women.

The shortlist so far:

- Talinn
- Berlin

Any recommendations guys, and why?
Absolutely huge fan of Berlin. Got my trip for December already sorted, nice and cheap at the EastSeven hostel in Mitte which is excellent.

It is filthy cheap compared to London for food and drink, has some of Europes best clubs berghain/watergate (i personally prefer watergate) and the bar scene out East towards Warschauer Str. Station and Kreuzberg is awesome. Add to that some of the Worlds best street art all over the place and you can go and watch a Bundesliga 2 match standing for about 10 euros.

Recommend going to see the smaller team FC Union play. There stadium is pretty much hidden in some woods and I swear I read the fans built it. The atmosphere was superb kn the terrace when i went.

If your going in December you also have the Christmas markets everywhere so plenty of sausage (not in the man on man sense) mulled wine and good beer. If you want any other info give me a shout and if I can help il try!
berlin is easily the pick if your talking clubs.

for something a bit more different i'd also suggest bucharest or belgrade, interesting cities.

perhaps morbyd could advise on moscow as a clubbign destination? i never got the chance to go out to any clubs when i ws there, but from i've seen/read they have some great clubs...trouble is moscow is expensive plus the visa cost:(
I haven't been to Tallin but I hear it's pretty quiet.

Riga was loads of fun when I went but they got hit very hard by the 2008 recession so I don't know what it's like now.

I had a great lads' weekend in Vilnius once.

Berlin is Berlin, of course. Particularly like the Christmas markets Kierz mentioned. I loved the grilled sausages they sell so much it's basically all I ate for 3 days on my first visit to the city :lol:

Moscow has loads of nightlife. 8) However, it is, as TM78 mentioned, an expensive place to visit.
I haven't been to Tallin but I hear it's pretty quiet.

Riga was loads of fun when I went but they got hit very hard by the 2008 recession so I don't know what it's like now.

In Riga now (went out last night in fact)...

It's fun but rather hit or miss...

Was informed last night would be a bit dead due to it being the last friday of the month for example...

Other nights, I've seen places jam packed. You can have a great time though... About 3-4 lats for a rum & coke (6-8 USD) so no great deals...

I would still vote Warsaw though. Much cheaper, banging bar/club scene, and, while Riga and Warsaw both have a bunch of eastern euro-hotties, warsaw is dripping with them. It's too cold in Riga for anything to drip for too long.
An alternative to Berlin is Hamburg, lovely city, no real massive clubs but I prefer that anyway, smaller venues around the reperbhan area, and more sausage you can shake a stick at!
Me and my mates are in research phase of planning a weekend away to Europe to hit a decent club, bit of culture, some booze and women.

The shortlist so far:

- Talinn
- Berlin

Any recommendations guys, and why?
Easy... Talinn=women..Berlin=Men:p
Riga was loads of fun when I went but they got hit very hard by the 2008 recession so I don't know what it's like now.

I went in 2007 & 08 and there was a big shift in prices over the Space of a year. Luckily having friends over there that own a bar has its advantages.

Club Essential is one of my favourite clubs I've ever been too, unfortunately closed a few months back & reopened as El Divino :spank:
Berlin it is!

Any recommendations? Hotels and bars?

Would like to hit Berghain or Watergate on the Saturday and maybe a Hertha game on the Saturday day time.
We stayed at the industialplaste hostel on warschauer strasse.really friendly and nice rooms.walkable to both clubs easily and right next to a station.

Would recommend hiring bikes to have a look around. Also for a massive feed and one of the best burgers/steaks ever u should go to The Bird,make a reservation tho.

Also check what's going on in all the venues not just those 2. Def have a plan b and possibly c.

The other thing we did was rent an apartment once which with the right number of ppl can be pretty cheap if u fancy doing it more diy
^^ sound advice. I almost always stay at the DDR Hostel - virtually opposite Berghain, extremely clean, comfortable, well appointed and reasonable.
i'd suggest you go to a few clubs before heading to berghain last (5am onwards (get your stamps) so if worst case happens and you dont get in...can go back to whence you came and its not screwed your night totally.

the usual club suspects:

tresor, water gate, weekend, kater holzig, salon zer wilden renate, club marie....

jump on resident advisor and see the listings8)

as mentioned above, hamburg is a really good city to visist as well...went to the waggenbau club...really great club.
We were invited there on a Thursday by a waitress n her boyfriend we were drinking with in a great little thai restaurant in mitte but we decided against it as was first night so can't actually report on the club aside saying locals def go over weekend which was also open