Euro 123 to the pound


Active Member
the euro is 123 to the pound at the moment.. do u reckon its worth converting money now or will the euro get worse or even will the post office still give us sh*t rate no matter what!!

ive always found a better exchange rate when ive got to ibiza than here.. :D
the euro is 123 to the pound at the moment.. do u reckon its worth converting money now or will the euro get worse or even will the post office still give us sh*t rate no matter what!!

ive always found a better exchange rate when ive got to ibiza than here.. :D

Absolutely impossible to predict where the price is heading with any real confidence, that said, the £ is now at an almost three year high so converting now might not be a bad option.
After the Greek & French elections, wouldn't be surprising if the Euro weakens even more
I would hold off, and see if it dips lower. Set your ceiling at 123 and wait and see how much lower it will go. I think it will go lower but that depends on Greece and France post election actions.
What currencies you holding atm, Morbs?

edit* Have you seen many tanks on the streets today? :)
Same as always - rubles, euros, dollars, pounds. Put a little more into pounds not long ago.

The big parade with military hardware is tomorrow. :)
140 -150 like 2003 when it was 152.... that would be sound.. its been murder over there the last few years when it went to virtually one euro to the pound... felt like you was being ripped everywhere...
140 -150 like 2003 when it was 152.... that would be sound.. its been murder over there the last few years when it went to virtually one euro to the pound... felt like you was being ripped everywhere...

Try changing dollars into pounds($1.61 to 1) or euro($1.31 to 1). Then come talk to me.:cry::cry::cry:
I tell myself its 1 for 1 then when I'm there I don't feel like I'm being ripped off...Nothing like brain washing yourself then getting a pleasant surpise when u still have 20-30 euros left when you shouldnt :)
The GBP is around the four year high atm @ 1.25:eek:

and surely the updates from Greece will only make it better for us in terms of exchange rate.

I'm also holding out for the accommodation.
Will I be right in guessing the hotels / apartments are fixed in terms of price of Euros, so if the exchange rate improves for us we should see the accommodation price go down too on the usual travel sites??
I'm also holding out for the accommodation.
Will I be right in guessing the hotels / apartments are fixed in terms of price of Euros, so if the exchange rate improves for us we should see the accommodation price go down too on the usual travel sites??
I think You'd be better off fixing your travel cost in Euros than booking on a travel site that quotes you pounds
I'm in Ibiza in September, but I'm looking into getting Euros now. It's difficult to know what to do for the best. Greece is having another election in June, the events of that could dramatically alter rates, for better or worse. But then, pundits say if Greece pull out of the union, Spain is next on the worry list. Maybe I'll be using pesetas this year.
The GBP is around the four year high atm @ 1.25:eek:

Am AWOL on a spontaneous, ludicrously sporty mid-week jolly in Menorca as we speak - to celebrate. Trying hard to spend my wifi units reading Spotlight posts rather than opening my e-mails. There's always tomorrow night for that.. maybe ! :lol: :p :twisted:
I think You'd be better off fixing your travel cost in Euros than booking on a travel site that quotes you pounds

So you mean trying to book accommodation in euros?

So are hotel prices definitely fixed in euros not £s? I hope so because 400 euros now might be worth £50 quid more than 400 euros in late june.

Whats annoying is that every time i try to look at a place through a spanish website so I'm quoted in Euros I still keep getting quoted in pounds, must be to do with my IP address
So you mean trying to book accommodation in euros?

So are hotel prices definitely fixed in euros not £s? I hope so because 400 euros now might be worth £50 quid more than 400 euros in late june.

Whats annoying is that every time i try to look at a place through a spanish website so I'm quoted in Euros I still keep getting quoted in pounds, must be to do with my IP address

You should be able to get the quotes in both currencies, I get both when I book in the USA. I just tried and got dollar and euro price, but I would have to pay in euro at the hotel.