Essential Mix Archive - Downloads


Active Member
I know this has been discussed before and i've had a good search so I have something to go at but it seems the type of websites i'm looking for go out of date/close down, etc, etc pretty quickly.

So, where can I download old essential mixes from??

so far i know about and soulseek, any advances on them??
Im not a fan of the essential mixes, i find them pretty poor to be honest, and they go on for way too long with too much filler.

Also, you'll tend to find that the artist in question just shamelessly plugs his or her new tracks etc.

The only one ive found remotely any good at all in the last 2 or 3 years has been the kerri chandler one from this year.

Anyway, for sets, be it Ess mixes, or live from such and such a place, i use Go to the progressive/house links, and choose what you want

Ive got some storming Desyn Masiello off this site, and some top notch live Sanchez mixes, have a look and let us know what you reckon!
thanks for the lecture toms!:roll: i've not listened to many recently tbh, i'm jsut after some of the older classic ones or the live ones when i've been in attendance. anyway, thanks for the link:D

i've actually got that link already phil to trawl through for info, other links. thanks for the reminder!:D
yeah, i always forget how many people must use Tong's website but dont post. A bit embarrasing with all the nonsense that gets posted on there :lol:
You do???


Whats your name??

was gonna drag it out but can't be i don't! :roll: :lol: i don't just post on any forum you know, i'm exclusive to spotlight:lol: :roll: :roll: :lol:

just looked occasionally for essential selection/mix info, etc.