Es Paradis Water Party (Fiesta Del Agua)


Active Member
Looks like great fun. Anyone know what the procedure is for the water parties at Es Paradis? Can we jump in fully clothed or strip off on the dance floor? Do they provide enough lockers for everyone? Can people arrive in swimwear and do we need to remove our shoes or keep them on? How does anyone buy drinks at the bar wearing swimming shorts? :oops::D


I just show up naked and they usually sort me with Es Paradis branded togs on the door
I went in 2011.. I can't remember there being any provision for holding your valuables (give them to a mate who's not going in is your only option) - it's only the central lower section of the club that fills with water so it doesn't take long to end up like the photos above.
Just make sure you don't get any of that water in your mouth/eyes/open wounds :confused:
Been to four over the years I've been going to Ibiza.
My advise, is don't take any valuables with you. If you need to take cash, take cash. Don't take your phone or any electronics.

Also, the water is pretty disgusting, so go in clothes you don't mind getting ruined, and as @jay_aitch said above, try not to get any in any wounds.
While its still good fun, and an undoubted Ibiza experience...I do have to point out its not been as busy as the photos above in years!