Es Cubells on fire

Looks really bad!!!
I wonder what moron started this one!??!! :(:mad:

A Cubells man is 60 years old and of Spanish nationality has been charged with an offense of gross negligence , as the revival fire off a bad fire in his garden, near the torrent of s'Aigua , could be the origin of the fire that has devastated 40 hectares of pine forest and scrubland area is Cubells ...
The neighbor is Cubells testified yesterday afternoon before the Civil Guard and was released; will soon be brought before the judge.
The 60 year old man explained that the Saturday morning started a fire in his garden , near the torrent of s'Aigua , to burn the reeds of the river that had fallen on the orange .
About noon he decided to leave the area because there was no fire.However, three hours later the wind reactivated the fire could be the source of forest fire is Cubells , which began at 15.13 am on Saturday and gave stabilized at 9 pm yesterday, 18 hours after ..."
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