errrm i wouldnt call it minimal

I'd say it alost sounds tribal. All I could picture (if you'll excuse the grandiose-ness of it) was Tenaglia smashing it out on a HUGE system.

One thing that I'd possibly say, is that one of my immediate impressions as that the breakdown melody didn't blend or flow into the drum section (though I think it gets sorted later on on the second re-entry). Off the top of my head I'd say it wants to be more like i.e. Woz Not Woz, and not like This is Sick (not that you can really compare the two, but just using as an example of the difference)

I'd really be interested in the full thing though. The percussion sounds brilliant, and smashes of something that would make you sit up for the production valies that went into it. Really busy and detailed, but not too busy (which I'd assume is an easy misake to make)
cheers for your feedback dan. Yeah i can see what you mean about the flow. Strangely enough i know exactly what you mean about the comparison between those two tracks. My main problem is that the break is somewhat melodic as opposed to the more percussive verse etc. It was hard to try and mix the right instruments together because its the first time i've done something that isnt strictly melodical as far as the tuning is concerned. I will make an effort to blend them better though, perhaps just a couple of bars of the pad mixing with the rest as a kind of build to the bass bit.

msg on its way too :)
wow lucky you. I never get feedback when I post my stuff on here.

The music section isnt as thriving as it used to be. Its always hard to get people to listen to your work. Send me a link to the last track thread you opened and i'll offer my feedback :-)
sorry mate i've only just seen this link. Will try and check it on thursday. If i dont reply by then, drop me a message to remind me when i'm back from austria on tuesday :)