Erick Morillo - My World?


had a listen to some of the tracks today nothing really stands out at the moment, think i'll need to have a proper listen to it though!

Mixes and hard to get stuff is fine on soul seek , but a current release 12" is just plain stealing.

If everyone does it , there wont be any more small labels and producers releasing stuff, simple as that.
Had a listen to the soundbytes on Juno last night, not sure whether to take the plunge, think i might wait for the next single release!!
comin' at ya said:

Mixes and hard to get stuff is fine on soul seek , but a current release 12" is just plain stealing.

If everyone does it , there wont be any more small labels and producers releasing stuff, simple as that.

tell me about it, however if u can't beat 'em join 'em.
and no i won't get into yet another long discussion here about downloading media Vs. buying is, so hold your horses right there ;)
so long as it costs me €40 to see a dj, I say we're even, :D Felix the housecat is also supposed to be on that album.