Electronic Cigarettes


Who's tried them?

My brother uses them and for Christmas bought me a couple of the non-refillable disposable kind to try. Thus far, I'd only used it on my insanely long flight from the US to India for New Years. Worked well.

With the big mountain climb coming up end of next week, I've taken the things out of the wrap again. It hasn't even been a whole day yet and I'm starting to crave a real cigarette already.

Maybe I'm not puffing on the e-cig enough? Are you supposed to keep sucking on the thing for a few minutes or take a couple of quick puffs?
Who's tried them?

My brother uses them and for Christmas bought me a couple of the non-refillable disposable kind to try. Thus far, I'd only used it on my insanely long flight from the US to India for New Years. Worked well.

With the big mountain climb coming up end of next week, I've taken the things out of the wrap again. It hasn't even been a whole day yet and I'm starting to crave a real cigarette already.

Maybe I'm not puffing on the e-cig enough? Are you supposed to keep sucking on the thing for a few minutes or take a couple of quick puffs?

I didnt even realise that you smoked?
I didnt even realise that you smoked?
Ya, mate. Casually since around 15 yrs old and regularly since about 17!

I've always been of the opinion that doing things you enjoy (smoking, eating, drinking) is more important than longevity. Quality of life over quantity.

Quitting smoking now is just so that, hopefully, I'll cough up all the crap in my lungs over the next few days to make room for more air :lol:
Ive been a casual smoker (jeans and t shirt!!) since being 13 years old. Can go long periods with not having one, then get with mates who smoke and Im off again.

On holiday I can smoke 20-30 a day then jack it in as soon as I leave. No idea how I do it?

It has become easier to pack in since the smoking ban(uk) as the temptation is less with fewer people now doing it.

A mate at work has tried the electro fags but they didnt work. I think what really works is stuff like the Doctor telling you its massively affecting your health work a treat. My Grandfather (RIP) stopped after over 50 years of smoking rollies and then a pipe. Doc told him to stop or he would die, he came home, had one last pipeful then threw all his smokerabilia in the bin.

I know its easier said than done though. On a slightly related note I have packed in the booze til April, lets see how that goes;).
I have tried them, but only use them in areas where you can't smoke. I just like real smokes.

P.S. the nicotine patches and ecigs worked better
Ive been a casual smoker (jeans and t shirt!!) since being 13 years old. Can go long periods with not having one, then get with mates who smoke and Im off again.

On holiday I can smoke 20-30 a day then jack it in as soon as I leave. No idea how I do it?

It has become easier to pack in since the smoking ban(uk) as the temptation is less with fewer people now doing it.

A mate at work has tried the electro fags but they didnt work. I think what really works is stuff like the Doctor telling you its massively affecting your health work a treat. My Grandfather (RIP) stopped after over 50 years of smoking rollies and then a pipe. Doc told him to stop or he would die, he came home, had one last pipeful then threw all his smokerabilia in the bin.

I know its easier said than done though. On a slightly related note I have packed in the booze til April, lets see how that goes;).

I can do this too much to the disgust of some friends, when i was in ibiza last june i maybe smoked 15 cigs one night and haven't had any since, Wonder if being battered has any bearing on it?8)
I can smoke on holiday and yet have no desire to do it back home (bar to get out to the smoking area of The Arches :lol:).
I think what really works is stuff like the Doctor telling you its massively affecting your health work a treat. .

My doctor told me this 18 months ago and I quit on the spot. He literaly said do you want to die and keep getting rushed to a&e every week? So I quit and all was right with the world.

Then I stupidly started again in Ibiza, just 1 or 2 here and there, then a packet, then I was suddenly on 40 a day...ever since then I've been trying to stop. I'm currently on 1 and a half a day...I know that sounds rediculous but after 2-3 puffs it makes me feel sick now, yet I still want the 2-3 puffs!
Mr PL's mum was diagnosed with emphysema at Christmas - she's been smoking 40 a day for years and its horrific to hear her breathing after trying to walk 5 metres. She got one of those electronic things that give you a nicotine hit and she's not bothered with a cig at all since Jan - so far so good.

She's never going to get any better but at least she hopefully wont get any worse - she's 75 now so I am glad she has packed it in...

She rates them, so I guess after 60 years of smoking 40 a day ifshe can do it on one of these then anyone can...
I use Nicorette 4mg gum when I can't have a smoke (in meetings / long flights). Works along with sufficient willpower for me. Patches don't seem to do anything for me bar making me feel sick whilst still craving a cig. Nor do the lozenges - I suck the lozenges and want to smoke immediately after :rolleyes:. Never tried the 'efags'.
i smoked more than 20 cigs per day since my 14 or 15 years old...:spank:
i try to stop smoking since 2 weeks with patches,and it works for me for the moment 8)
my motivation:each year cigs cost me 2500 euros...it will pay my ibiza holidays...
I broke down twice last night and had real cigarettes... but I'm not too bothered. I figure as long as I keep it to 1-2 cigs a day up until the trip next week, I should be fine.

I do worry I'm not using the e-cig right though. I just don't know how many puffs is equal to a normal cigarette. When I had that first real one last night I was high as a kite so obviously had some nicotine withdrawal!
I broke down twice last night and had real cigarettes... but I'm not too bothered. I figure as long as I keep it to 1-2 cigs a day up until the trip next week, I should be fine.

I do worry I'm not using the e-cig right though. I just don't know how many puffs is equal to a normal cigarette. When I had that first real one last night I was high as a kite so obviously had some nicotine withdrawal!

That wasn't a bad thing was it?:)
I had an electric cigarette in Space and Amnesia last summer I liked it because it doesn't smell but served it's purposed when needed and you do get a nicotine hit ;)
I had an electric cigarette in Space and Amnesia last summer I liked it because it doesn't smell but served it's purposed when needed and you do get a nicotine hit ;)

I smoked cigarettes in Amnesia last year and the bouncer put it out on my hand :( I should have bought an electric cigarette
I smoked cigarettes in Amnesia last year and the bouncer put it out on my hand :( I should have bought an electric cigarette
When I was in Amnesia last year everyone was openly smoking!
They still had no real outdoor terrace solution :confused:
I smoked in every club but Pacha, most bars still let you smoke too. I like that attitude to the smoking ban.

It was in Amnesia for Cream, I was stuck in that stupid free for all near the bottom of the stairs for the toilets, nowhere to run from the bouncer. Nice little scar to add to my Ibiza collection.
I gave up on the electronic cigs, by the way.
This morning I read about a study that showed there is evidence that they affect lung function.
They are obviously healthier than cigarettes overall, but improving lung function is the main reason I switched!
So, I decided just to reduce overall cig intake for a few days and hope that's enough :confused: