El Row (day party) followd by Paradise (at night)?

Why is that? what would you rather go to then?

You might love it.

My thoughts are El Row has become a bit of a circus, people go to watch and film and don’t really get into the music (which can be quite generic) it is one of those ‘must do’ places where people go to be seen. Add in Ushuaia as the venue (commercial venue famous for fireworks and confetti) and it just isn’t my thing at all.

Paradise isn’t a very cosmopolitan crowd (predominately British guys with small bags, white socks and vests) Musically doesn’t do it for me either.

Nights that still interest me and depending on line up at the time; Pacha for Solomon, Friday nights or Cocoon. Some good nights at Destino. Quite like the look of some of the Thursdays at Amnesia. I tend to these days just stay at a secret venue I can’t mention and rarely venture from there.

These are just my thoughts and your original suggestions may be your thing. What type of music do you like and when are you going?
Why is that? what would you rather go to then?

ibiza veterans to me are people that are 30/35+ and have been coming to the island for at least ten times or so.

and I truly don't know a lot of people like that who would do elrow or paradise. and certainly not the combo of both. maybe paradise if it's an outstanding line up...but else, no. dirk bigler got it quite well further up.
perhaps the op was referring to veterans of those specific parties, not old bastards per se?

as an increasingly irrelevant old bastard myself, I can only concur with what Dirk wrote
Well.. I am 27 years old.
I love tech house. I have seen all the artists performing at the El Row and Paradise party for those days...
Maybe better to use the day to explore beaches and enjoy the island and wake up refreshed for my plane ride.
Well.. I am 27 years old.
I love tech house. I have seen all the artists performing at the El Row and Paradise party for those days...
Maybe better to use the day to explore beaches and enjoy the island and wake up refreshed for my plane ride.

well...to me it sounds like you might love that combo then. each to their own, do it and ignore what we said! (I personally get tired after max 90mins of generic percussive tech house so am just not the target group for either elrow or paradise).
Well.. I am 27 years old.
I love tech house. I have seen all the artists performing at the El Row and Paradise party for those days...
Maybe better to use the day to explore beaches and enjoy the island and wake up refreshed for my plane ride.
*You need to get your leg over mate*
Well.. I am 27 years old.
I love tech house. I have seen all the artists performing at the El Row and Paradise party for those days...
Maybe better to use the day to explore beaches and enjoy the island and wake up refreshed for my plane ride.

Both superb venues and both great lineups - I am personally into Tech house I feel it is the better sound to dance to and the right DJ can take you on a journey so I would be all for these two parties

Issue for me is you likely won't be able to dance and will be forever getting your feet stood on and having to move for someone and inevitable there will be someone on too much ket stuck to you. That to me ruins the fun and over time I have learnt what to avoid. There may be the odd exception now and then but regardless of who is playing I will look elsewhere.

If it is a must do for you go for it and if you need a fix then look to make it up at another party - you are flying a long way so it might be worth ticking it off to say you have done them