el pacha hotel


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know how the free entry to the club works if you stay at Pacha Hotel? Do you get physical tickets? There are maybe 2 nights i'd want to go to but would hate to waste tickets for the other nights so it would be good if i could give them away (Guetta for example).

ps it is actually quite a good deal, you can have 3 people to a room and breakfast with 3 tickets to the club which (depending on the dates) works out cheaper than just buying 3 tickets.
The last years we stood only on the guestlist (Pacha and Destino). No physical tickets. Last year we had to show our passports. The years before it was enough to show the chipcard for the hotelroom.
thats very hepful, thank you. I did stay about 7 years ago and simply walked in and said i stayed there and was let in no bother. Is there any time limit? I fancy might going on way home from another night. Cheers
Sorry, but we went in only at "normal" times. My missus and I are not the youngest anymore.... So I have no idea whether there is a time limit. Regarding Destino take care that el hotel will send the actual hotel-/guestlist with your name on it to Destino. Just ask at the reception desk.
thats very hepful, thank you. I did stay about 7 years ago and simply walked in and said i stayed there and was let in no bother. Is there any time limit? I fancy might going on way home from another night. Cheers

list closes at 4:30am
thanks very much for your reviews, recently been searching for https://pharmacyreviews.md and that's how i ended up here by the way.. i've been searching for info on pacha hotel as we're now thinking which hotel to pick up. thanks a lot again.

btw, if you have anything else to add, please do it :D as we're still thinking
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thats very hepful, thank you. I did stay about 7 years ago and simply walked in and said i stayed there and was let in no bother. Is there any time limit? I fancy might going on way home from another night. Cheers

It wouldn't surprise me if you showed up at 5 or so and told them you were a hotel guest and showed your roomkey that they'd still would let you in free...