education/schooling in ibiza


Active Member
Planning to move to live permanently in eivissa in 2008, when my children will be 5 and 3.

I have a basic idea about the school system and how it works, and the website is quite useful for providing info about schools.

BUT i want some real advice/guidance from people who've actually done it before and can tell me how it happens, not just how it is meant to happen.

Any sources of information/websites will be welcome. I'm particularly keen to find out about the actual enrolment/registration process (timescales, key dates, paperwork), partic. being a foreign national.

Hi Greco,

My grandson was nearly 4 when we came to live in Ibiza. From what i remember, you firstly have to register where you are living with the local counsell office, then ask for papers to take to ibiza town education office. they will then tell you where the nearest school is that your children can go to. We done all this in one day and visited the school, they said he could start tommorrow!!! The only thing that's ever got done quickly in ibiza.