Eddie Murphy - Party All The Time


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Well Deep Dish played this remix 3 times at Ultra and twice @ Space in Miami...

Not too sure if any track is good enough to play 3 times in one set....
and this does not qualify for an exception..

Look for this song to get played out like crazy...
For some reason I am very intrigued by the potential of this song. Any ideas for an official track name or any idea where to find it....:D
I must have heard this song 20 times at the conference and I have to tell you how sick I am of it! The original song was no good and this one sucks.
broiler said:
I must have heard this song 20 times at the conference and I have to tell you how sick I am of it! The original song was no good and this one sucks.

As I always say...you can't polish a turd!!!
it's very average filtered house.

Take an old 80's riff and filter it over a kick drum and a nice synth bass.
Where have I heard that one before...?!
Heard it on Tongy's show, and youre right it does sound very Eric Prydz.

I still think i'll be happily dancing to it if I heard it in a club, but then i'll dance to anything.
Back in school we used to joke that it sounded like Eddie was singing 'my girl wants to potty all the time, potty all the time' :lol:

Of the millions of tunes one could resuscitate, why oh why that one!?
i think its sh1t.............call on me was hammered all over the terrace in the early part of the 2004 season and across the island in general leading to its number one in the autumn of that year.

i don't get what the attraction is with this track.:?
Morbyd said:
Back in school we used to joke that it sounded like Eddie was singing 'my girl wants to potty all the time, potty all the time' :lol:

Of the millions of tunes one could resuscitate, why oh why that one!?

And I bet if they want to get nasty they'll do a remix of "Boogie in Your Butt".

This retread of everything 80s is getting so tired - is this really the end of the music as we know it? No one is coming up with anything new, nor are they doing anything interesting with what they blatantly rip off! They take a song that was richly and lovingly produced and break it down to the most boring, basic bits; then they loop it over and over again. "Flashdance" by DD was so bland compared to "He's a Dream" from the movie's soundtrack. I was listening to Jellybean's remix from 1983 of the Flashdance theme song and noticed how he and Giorgio Moroder made it so interesting; I'd hate to hear what some DJ would do it nowadays - rip everything unique and fun about it and bore us to death!!
I'm of the "dance to anything" mind. I'll download, thanks for the song ID (I'll probably like the song, certainly won't admit it 8O )
Andy Daniell said:

Sharam - PATT (party all the time) on yo****oshi

this is this years 'call on me' i think...

by the way Andy. How did the rest of your conference go. Didn't bump into you again after Defetced.
I am going to play Devil's Advocate and say that I like the track

I heard Sharam play it at conference and two weeks ago in Chicago...I found myself dancin and singing along

I do not find it irritating at all, but I only heard it twice live

I have the Mp3, and it runs about 10 minutes, the build up of it is actually very subtle, and if you never heard the track before it would take about 4 minutes to figure out what it was

I really like the "double clap" in the backround from the original track...very cool!

It is not like "Call On Me" at all, but what do I know...lol
I really like this tune :D I heard it at Ministry and it seems to have some kind of hypnotic effect on me :lol: I just remember looking into the crowd with all the lights going off with a big smile on my face :D
I think this will be HUUUUGE in Ibiza :twisted:
First time I heard it in a club was a week or two ago when Pete Tong dropped it. I was surprised at how not-bad it was. I think I even might have sung along a bit :? (was a bit wasted, though :lol:)