Ecstasy is good for you

It also pointed out that sleep and fluid deprivation had long term negative effects . So although the drug may not be harmful , raving could be. It goes to show time and again that alcohol is a more dangerous drug , which is a shame as I like both :cry:

"Giz a hug. I ****ing love you, I mean really love you. Hang on and I'll rub my fingertips on the top of your head. Lovely that, isn't it?"
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Yeah - but are you telling me you were duped on the alcohol thing? :confused:

I guess having a friend who is a fairly severe alcoholic kinda brought this issue home for me ages ago.

Alcohol is rancid - fun in small amounts but makes everyone act like a d1ck - and conveniently for the government, it also supports the fear ridden ego state which can be used as a means to control.

Sleep deprivation is the worst - you can't beat a 12 hour marathon kip before work on a Monday - works a treat.

But saying that, I've not touched anything this year so perhaps it's finally giving me up? :eek:
oh ive known alcohol is tres bad. Just the other night a good mate of mine had waaay too much , got very aggressive and into a fight. did some damage to someone and now cant look himself in the mirror and is saying never again.
Luckily Ive never got the aggression thing on booze but seen it all too many times.
Some interesting comments on that article tho
The town where I lived oop north as a youngster was a typical northern backwater, forgotten by society when the mill industry collapsed. Every weekend the town centre quite literally resembled a scene from a wild west movie. It was what everyone did every weekend, went out, got blind drunk and into massive rucks. Then in 1988-89, ecstasy came on the scene and everything changed, the youf element were more into group hugs than group fights.

I would love to see some crime statistics for all parts of the country pre and post ecstasy's arrival. It's little wonder the police were ordered to kick the living daylights out of people at raves as they would have had sod all else to be doing at the weekends!
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Most drug research is done to scare the population away from drugs and keep funding the war on drugs. I have done my own research;):D. I trust my own research. I:lol: see people when out who get beer muscles and want to fight. I would rather be around people who said I love you man for hours instead of wanting to fight.
£10 a pop thesedays - :eek: however since my last trip to Ibiza last year I have only dabbled once - and let me tell you - I partied like it was 1992 at those prices!

I dont drink much at all now - maybe a bottle of wine over a full weekend between us... a night out these days consists of 2 pints if out with Phil but if out with a group or from work - its a different story - I drink enough to regret it the next day (maybe 4 pints or 4 V&T's?

I hate the feeling of being drunk now or the thought of suffering the next day....

total lightweight - i reckon i am 3-5 years away from Horlicks and an electric blanket ...:oops:
Love it. :lol:

Me too - recently invested in a pair of Paul Frank PJs so might join you.

Rob - Secretly I am loving it - PJ's are THE best evening attire ever! :lol::lol:

After last week's weekend with Gingerfreak et al - loved the whole experience but took a week to get back to normal...

Next planned night out is Garnier on 12th March so kind of planning ahead and looking after myself in the run up .... also with the contingency plan of booking Mon/Tue off work and WFH Wed/Thu with only Friday in the office... 8)
I took some at the weekend - the equivalent of 400mg. Surprised at the lack of comedown. If I'd boshed meph (like I was doing for years) I'd be feeling horrid for days afterwards. Orange things with what looks like a Q on them - best dropped in halves because most people seem to agree they're ridiculously strong.

I think MDMA is fine if done only occasionally and in minimal/sensible amounts, then backed up by some 5-htp and seratonin promoting foods into the week. If anything you get a nice wee glow for seeing people at their best... Meph just seems to turn you into a selfish twit with a taste for grot (although it feels good at the time). :lol:
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I took some at the weekend - the equivalent of 400mg. Surprised at the lack of comedown. If I'd boshed meph (like I was doing for years) I'd be feeling horrid for days afterwards. Orange things with what looks like a Q on them - best dropped in halves because most people seem to agree they're ridiculously strong.

I think MDMA is fine if done only occasionally and in minimal/sensible amounts, then backed up by some 5-htp and seratonin promoting foods into the week. If anything you get a nice wee glow for seeing people at their best... Meph just seems to turn you into a selfish twit with a taste for grot (although it feels good at the time). :lol:

^ knowledge

observe and learn kids.
£10 a pop thesedays - :eek: however since my last trip to Ibiza last year I have only dabbled once - and let me tell you - I partied like it was 1992 at those prices!

I dont drink much at all now - maybe a bottle of wine over a full weekend between us... a night out these days consists of 2 pints if out with Phil but if out with a group or from work - its a different story - I drink enough to regret it the next day (maybe 4 pints or 4 V&T's?

I hate the feeling of being drunk now or the thought of suffering the next day....

total lightweight - i reckon i am 3-5 years away from Horlicks and an electric blanket ...:oops:

You might live to 103 with that lifestyle Pups! Minus a few years of debauchary... I'd say you are on course for a very respectable 95 :twisted:

The orange ones? Yeah, you could be right - it is the sign on your monitor button, though some folks are calling them Q dance. I believe they've been tested as 180mg MDMA and 30mg MDA.

TBH, if I'd got one it would have done me for the duration of the club itself, but there's always the temptation to finish off the stash (even when MDMA doesn't really work at home), which is why I'd only ever buy stuff in small amounts.

Judging by the vibe/looks on people's faces MDMA/good pills are back in a big way.

Another nice article in The Grauniad:
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