Ecstasy and Parkinsons disease


Active Member
Did anyone see that really sad program last night on one of the Sky doc's?

A young guy had developed Parkinsons disease at 30'odd years of age after living life to the full as a stuntman/actor etc.

It was incredibly sad to see the difficulties of the illess, especially the involuntary movements of his limbs. Most of us are aware of this illness, but apparently it's much worse the younger you are.

The program demonstrated how he noticed as substantial improvement to his condition after taking ecstacy.

The upshot was that professors are now beginning to work on a MDMA based drug to help the sufferers.

Very very sad to watch but hopefully a positive outcome.
I spent 2 years as a hospital Specialist rep in Parkinsons disease for a large drug company. It really is an eye opener when you sit in clinics and see someone completely out of control almost with involuntary movements yet perfectly sane in every other respect. Equally amazing is how they used to take their levadopa (dopamine) tablets and within 10 mins or so they were back to perfect normality and able to move around freely. I have have heard and read about studies of using MDMA but quite honestly knowing the amount of research done in this area I would be suprised if it is a long term treatment :?:
They obviously said they couldn't condone the use of MDMA, but saw the properties of the drug as a way forward and are actively working on a new drug based on the same effects that MDMA produces.

The program showed you various tests after taking the prescribed levadopa drug compared with MDMA and the results were staggering.

He openly admitted to going clubbing twice a month and being able to dance normally after taking ecstasy :eek:
I actually hadnt realised that mdma has been around for over 100 years !!! (The Face - issue No.38 )
*Saffy* said:
I actually hadnt realised that mdma has been around for over 100 years !!! (The Face - issue No.38 )

Patented by Merck (3rd largest Pharma company in the world) all those years ago makes you wonder why that Victorian dancing's not a bit more upbeat :D

The program showed you various tests after taking the prescribed levadopa drug compared with MDMA and the results were staggering.

So are the side effects though :cry: The hardest thing with bringing any new drug to market is balencing benefits with Side effects :?: When I worked in this area there was a drug which 1000's of people used with great success with no problems, despite this though there was enough evidence for the EU medicines authority to withdraw it on safety grounds, it meant people of 80 years of age having to research ways of effectively buying this drug on the blackmarket from the US and using it with no guidance from the dr........sound familiar ;)
copperband said:
So are the side effects though :cry: The hardest thing with bringing any new drug to market is balencing benefits with Side effects :?: When I worked in this area there was a drug which 1000's of people used with great success with no problems, despite this though there was enough evidence for the EU medicines authority to withdraw it on safety grounds, it meant people of 80 years of age having to research ways of effectively buying this drug on the blackmarket from the US and using it with no guidance from the dr........sound familiar ;)

I know what you're saying. They even said that long term use of MDMA could actually deplete his dopamine altogether.

What shocked me more than anything is how this illness could affect someone so young, fit and healthy.

Makes you realise how lucky you really are.

Was there any comment on the programme about him using Ldopa with MDMA.........I've still got a cupboard full of it :eek:

You are exactly right to point how lucky we all which is why I believe you should get as much as you can out of every day but not overdoing it so much that the numbers of days with good quality of life are numbered...if you know what I mean :confused:
copperband said:
You are exactly right to point how lucky we all which is why I believe you should get as much as you can out of every day but not overdoing it so much that the numbers of days with good quality of life are numbered...if you know what I mean :confused:

Finding that balance is never easy. We've been going to gym, swimming etc this week but still downing at least 2 bottles of wine on an evening too :confused:

The answer to your question is, i can't remember if he used MDMA on top of the Ldopa, i kept getting disturbed. However ........ i'd leave it in the cupboard if i were you :lol: