

Active Member
Has anyone taken a flight from U.K. to Ibiza with EasyJet?Are they nice and safe planes...?Just making sure ;)
Never flown easyjet, but been with bmibaby a few times and had no problems whatsoever :D

Just booked our September flights with them too - £75.00 return each 8O

Easyjet are great! :lol: Never had any problems with them before ie. flight delays etc BUT the buggers do sting you on excess baggage if over weight so watch out!!!! :x
Got my flight from Bristol-Palma on Sunday on me way back to Ibiza for a stonking £3.99 plus tax! Barginous!!!! :lol:
Hope they're nice and safe, its who Andi and I are flying with this year. We ditched the package holiday and booked flights and accomodation seperately. 12 days in July B&B , for 2 of us cost a (whopping lol) £440!!!
Spent days searching the net for this.......can anyone beat that?
I went to Ibiza with Easyjet last summer. Our plane was broken and we must change the plane. Then there weren't crew. So the flight was delayed. After take off everything was okay. And it's cheap!

Kun Ryanair lentää Suomesta Stanstediin ei oikein taida olla vaihtoehtoa jatkolennolle? Vai onko? Air Berlinhän lentää Stanstedistä Ibizalle Mallorcan kautta mutta ei jostain ihmeen syystä lennä takaisin??? Lontoossa ei kannata tehdä kentän vaihtoja, aikaa menee tuhottomasti ja hintaakin kertyy helposti. Varaa Easyjet heti kun voit, koska hinta tulee nousemaan koko ajan. Jos voit lentää keskellä viikkoa niin se on paljon edullisempaa kuin viikonloppuna.

Easyjet on OK. Paljon parempi kuin Ryanair. Molemmat on tosi tarkkoja ylipainojen ja laukun mittojen suhteen. Ja ne lisämaksut on aika suolaisia. Ilmeisesti tuon Lontoon laskun takia turvatarkistukset on myös tosi tarkkoja. Pienetkin rautaesineet (kynsileikkurit) joutuu postittamaan Suomeen jos niitä on käsimatkatavaroissa...
Just been looking on easyjet today for flights for my mum coming to Ibiza in May and is it me or do they change their flight prices by a couple of quid every few hours?!!! Its driving me nuts :? seeing it go up and down in the same day!!!!! :x Ive seen one go from £16.00 to then £23.00 then to £18.00 and now back to £16.00 again!!! CRAYZEEE! why do they do this? :roll:
lucky bamsticks!!!

Easyjet don't fly Ibiza from Glasgow...could connect thru an English airport but the chances of the flights being buggered up is too high.

Glasgow Airport is opening a new terminal for budget airlines/routes but no sign of an Ibiza flight tho'...

..pity cos i would try the booking separately thing if there was a direct flight.
ibiza_lou said:
Just been looking on easyjet today for flights for my mum coming to Ibiza in May and is it me or do they change their flight prices by a couple of quid every few hours?!!! Its driving me nuts :? seeing it go up and down in the same day!!!!! :x Ive seen one go from £16.00 to then £23.00 then to £18.00 and now back to £16.00 again!!! CRAYZEEE! why do they do this? :roll:

one bad thing i will say about easyjet, is that ever year they put their prices.

this year the cost of flights in july and august, is horrendous, esp if your going sat to sat for example.
Tony said:
ibiza_lou said:
Just been looking on easyjet today for flights for my mum coming to Ibiza in May and is it me or do they change their flight prices by a couple of quid every few hours?!!! Its driving me nuts :? seeing it go up and down in the same day!!!!! :x Ive seen one go from £16.00 to then £23.00 then to £18.00 and now back to £16.00 again!!! CRAYZEEE! why do they do this? :roll:


...but sometimes I've booked one and damn it....a few days later its alot cheaper!!! They certainly keep you on your toes don't they!!! :) Can't understand why they stopped Easyjet Bristol - Ibiza? Its a crime!!! :roll:
flew with them a few times. They're okay. Never had any probs with delays and stuff only thing is its a bit of a mad race to get seats.
We found that the cheapest 2 days in a week to fly are tuesday and wednesday (thats if the airline flys on those days!) In some cases for a return flight we were talkin a hundred punds (and over) difference for a few days!
Yay for the cheap orange plane!! ;)

whats the leg room on easyjet, i was suprised by my bmi baby flights last year at how much leg room they had, only a few inches more than usual but it really made a difference.
is £90.98 good deal for return tickets?
(never flew by EJ so can't know the greatest deal :roll: )
When are you going? If in july/august this is a good price. It's cheaper to buy mid-week flights, before or after the hottest season. If you just know when you can go just buy tickets now - prices are going to rise.

Jos tuossa on jo verot ym. mukana niin vaikuttaa edulliselta. Minä maksoin omistani noin satasen.