Easy (ish, I assume) tune ID


No longer active
Ok, got this song in my head, don't even think I actually like it. Just need to know the name (I could even have it already, tho can't be asred to go through all my new stuff!)

Here goes.

Funky house, quite "cheap" sounding tbh.

Got quite a hard kick drum.

Starts of with a female "wail that repeats over 8 beats (think the "wail" from Par-T-One - I'm So Crazy, yet in completely different keys etc, so the comparison may be irrelevant).

The lyrics are sung by a Woman and then a man, and they go... (Woman Man)

Power.... Music... Power Pump the baseline

Over 8 beats

Which then repeats.

The vocalists both sound like English isnt their first language (i.e. very "Hollywood" sounding voices, and the femal is really shouting, and the fellas voice is quite deep.

Overall, the track sounds quite Prydz-ish, although it doesn't IMO have the production quality of his normal stuff (or maybe it was just a shit soundsystem)

Not sure how old/new it is, heard it twice in consecutive nights last weekend. Should be easy, as it sounds more subconciously familiar than normal.

Anyway, away you go...