Earliest date that Clubs/DJs announce their summer lineups ...


Active Member
Hey fellow clubbers, Canuck from Halifax, Canada here!! 8)

I've already visited Ibiza once back in September of last year and at that time I knew well in advance that I was going to visit the island the first week of the month. My 30th birthday was the day after I returned home so the trip was a gift to myself, sort of a last hoorah in my twenties before turning the big 3-0 lol ... Unfortunately, I won't be taking my next trip to Ibiza until sometime next year :( But my job requires me to book my vacation time before the end of the year for the following year, so I will need to book my vacation for summer 2014 by December 2013 ... it's a real pain in the ass but there's nothing I can do about it! I was hoping that this time around I could plan my vacation around DJs I wanted to see and events I wanted to attend. I'm REALLY hoping to see one of my fellow Canadians in Ibiza that summer, Deadmau5!!!

So with that in mind, I was just wondering approximately what the earliest date is that someone could find out what the lineups are at the clubs and when other parties are taking place for the following summer??
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You just have to book it and hope i'm afraid. The night line ups are announced from March onwards and the actual DJ line ups are announced from March onwards but some are as late as May/June. There is no way you will be able to guarantee that DJ X will be playing at club Y on date Z as early as December.